Yoyo Loaches acting weirdly

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Yoyo Loaches acting weirdly

Post by SScott » Sun Sep 30, 2018 11:23 am

Hi all,

Quite new to fishkeeping, set up a tank and let it establish for a week or two, then introduced 4 yoyo Loaches, 1 Betta, 2 glowlight tetras and 4 Amano shrimp. 1 loach acted really oddly, constantly disappeared and didn't come out for feeding or anything. Fast forward 2 weeks and we found it dead. Removed immediately and all other Loaches have been fine in the weeks since. Yesterday picked up one more yoyo to make it 4 again, he was acting odd in the bag and kept flashing. Thought nothing of it as he just seemed impatient to be let out, and he was in a bag with 4 other glowlight tetras who were all behaving fine. Since being introduced to the tank he's still flashing occasionally, and one of the others has begun to as well. They sort of skim along the substrate on their sides? It's not very often, and none of the other fish seem to be affected at all, not even the 2 other yoyos we have.
Water parameters are all fine, don't know exact numbers as such since the strips don't give them but we also get tests done at the fish shop and they said they're fine as well. Temperature is a steady 26.9°C. We have an air stone, and it's a planted tank but I'm not sure what the exact plants are called...

It's a 64L tank:
1 male Betta
4 yoyo loaches
6 glowlight tetras
5 Endler guppies
4 Amano shrimp

Local fish shop has a points based system, ours is 32 points and we're well within that with our current stock

TLDR: out of 4 yoyo loaches, 2 are acting weirdly and flashing occasionally, all other fish are fine.

Anyone got any suggestions? Thank you!

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Re: Yoyo Loaches acting weirdly

Post by ChocolateCake123 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:02 pm

From my experience, there are 2 possible explanations.
The 1st is that they are just acting that way as part of their normal behavior. My clown loaches do that sometimes.
The 2nd is that your local pet store is selling unhealthy fish. Mine unfortunately does so, and I have had many types of fish die for no apparent reason.
Hope this helps!

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