help! 2 clowns have vanished

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help! 2 clowns have vanished

Post by claire2307 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:52 pm

about 2 weeks ago i purchased 3 clown loaches, after a day all 3 went into hiding which i understand clowns tend to do, since then i occasionally saw one but no sign of the other 2, i couldn't even tempt them with blood worms, i purchased another 3 yesterday in the hope that this would give them more confidence, this has worked for the one as it is now out all of the time. i was really concerned for the other 2 as i was worried they may be stuck in a plastic hollow cave ornament so after much deliberation i took out the cave and they are not in there! they have totally vanished! i have checked the filters just in case they had somehow managed to get into it and a log but there is no sign and nowhere else for them to be, i have a sand substrate. is it possible that they could have died in the cave out of sight and been eaten by the other fish, i have neons, 2 small catfish, 2 algae eaters, 2 guppies and a platy. All tank levels have been normal and tank has a lid so they couldn't have jumped out. I can't stop thinking about what could have happened to them, any ideas?

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helen nightingale
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Post by helen nightingale » Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:17 pm

sorry to ask what may sound like a daft question, but have you taken everything out the tank?

occasionally fish can hide extremely well, and if you search through here, you can see other people have had fish hide from them.

when you knew they had gone missing, did you do any water tests? sometimes, if a fish has died somewhere in the tank, and isnt eaten straight away, ammonia levels and then nitrites and nitrates can rise suddenly

i hope you find the missing fish

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Post by claire2307 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:45 pm

no i've only physically taken the cave out, i am sure they weren't in there there was no frantic flapping when it was out of the water, i moved the log around in the water but not actually removed it from water, i'm stuck between desperation to find them and worrying about causing stress to the fish! i have done checks and ammonia and nitrate have been fine, is it possible that the other fish would eat them so that there is no trace at all? the original fish is totally different now i've put more in which is why i'm thinking the first 2 must have died and it was lonely on its own.

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Post by shari2 » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:10 pm

Hi claire.

Have you tried feeding just at lights out and then sitting and watching? Clowns (and many loaches) are notorious for doing a 'disappearing act'. Also, when you lifted out the ornament did you look inside (stupid question, but you didn't say). I have had loaches that used to squiggle into a hole in the top of one of my wood pieces and even removing the wood from the water and holding it there for several minutes didn't seem to bother them much! No wiggling, they just stayed there. :roll:

Tell us more about the tank. What size is it, is it planted, how bright is it? What kind of filters? Clowns prefer a dimmer tank so if it's really brightly lit they may not come out until the lights go out.

Do you have any pictures of the tank and could you post one?

Sounds to me like they are either in there and have found an invisible hiding place or got out somehow.
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Post by claire2307 » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:24 am

hi thanks for your advice the tank is a jewel 180, i have a piece of bog wood which has some hiding places few plants but there not that dense so have a good view around them, i did look inside the cave and have resorted to drastic measures and split the cave in half and its definately empty. it is brightly lit but we only turn the light on for a few hours in the eve, from what you say though and things i've read i might get a softer light. i have searched around the tank so they haven't jumped out, its a mystery, i really hope they are ok and one day they emerge the 3 new ones and the one original i have left are fine and seem really happy.

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Post by echo_cypher » Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:09 am

have you tried running your fingers through the sand, especially around your log and the back edges of the tank?

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Re: help! 2 clowns have vanished

Post by emmaorabelle » Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:21 am

Hi, I appreciate your guidance. The tank is a Jewel 180, and I have a piece of bog wood that has a few hiding places and a few plants, but they're not too numerous, so you can see around them. I also looked inside the cave, but it was definitely empty, so I took dramatic steps and split it in half. It is well lit, but we only have the lights on for a short time in the evening. Based on what you say and what I've read, though, I might get a softer light.
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Re: help! 2 clowns have vanished

Post by shoostoill » Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:58 pm

Unfortunately, your clownfish is most likely no longer alive. They sometimes perishcoreball and wedge themselves into a rock.

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