CL Regional morphology question: Martin

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CL Regional morphology question: Martin

Post by andyroo » Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:58 pm

Martin et al,

I've been keeping a couple of Borneo morph ( CLs, one for nearly two years and the other only a few months. I brought home two new last week of Sumatran colour morph, and noted substantial differences, not only in colour pattern of ventral anal fins but also:

Sumatran more bullet-shaped: smaller mouth, smaller lips and barbels and less down-sloped/"roman" face. Borean also are/seem longer in the body/more serpentine.
Sumatran also seem much more intent on schooling (though it's only been a week). Bornean originals have always been more singular/loners, and seem annoyed with new attention by new fish.

In photos on this forum the fatter (Sumatran?) body shape seems much more common, though i've not noted the colours of ventral fins on posted photos.

The question is, am i actually seeing morphological and behavioural differences between these fish of different origins? Is there question as to the species clasisifications of these animals? Are they actually both the same spp? Sub-spp?
Though breeding is rare anyways in CLs, do breedings between these "races" occur?

Or am i going slowly mad.....


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