Clown loaches going blind?

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Clown loaches going blind?

Post by ey » Tue Jun 30, 2009 11:59 am

I have 22 clown loaches ranging from sizes 3" to 6", with the majority being around the 3"-4" mark.

I have always had a 4" clown that is blind in one eye, he was like this when I got him but still acts/swims/eats normal.

But recently I've noticed that another smaller 3" clown is blind in both eyes and another 3" blind in one eye. I'm just wondering if there could be any causes of this such as other fish (yoyo loach) attacking its eye or if its some kind of infection due to bad water quality?

The eye just looks mouldy, kind of like when a pimple becomes infected, that kind of appearance. Just not sure what I can do as I'm worried this may spread to the rest of the clowns.

More info on the tank etc

Its a 6x2x2, with 22 clown loaches mentioned above,
along with 12 yoyo loaches all around the 3" mark,
5 black widow tetras
6 rummynoses
6 sid loaches
3 2" bala sharks

Tank is filtered with two Eheim 2217 and one 2260, along with two AquaClear 110 Powerheads

Water condition has been fine and regular WC (gravel vacs) are performed twice a week.

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Post by OneWay » Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:40 pm

is the eye cloudy on the inside? or outside? is there any mold or growths on them? Any scratches or tears?

- my first instinct would say it is an infection of some sort. You may have had one larger clown sick and the younger ones are now just getting it. I have not had any eye infections in my tanks for many years, so if anyone has any recent advice please post about it.

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Post by chefkeith » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:45 pm

This is out of my realm of knowledge. Nothing in my books about it either.

Could it be an environmental problem? Could the fish be poking their eyes on some decor by accident?

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Post by Diana » Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:13 pm

Fish can get parasites in their eyes.

Fish can get hurt, as suggested above. Loaches can attack each other with their spines, and fish can rub their eyes on the decor. Can happen against the side of a plastic bucket, too.

Do some more research, I do not know much about parasites in the eyes.
Here is one place to start: ... /eyes.html

Keep the water conditions the very best you can, lowest possible nitrates, and keep the waste vacuumed up off the floor.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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