30g what can I get ?

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30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:37 am

Hi guys, sorry I have been off so long, explained a while back, but now I am thinking about my clowns i lost. I really loved them , and miss them . Could i fit happily some clowns in a 30g tank ? They would be the only fish in there and I would not be able to upgrade to a larger tank. I am sure I could not keep 5 in there , so what is the absolute minimum ? Or is a 30g just not feesible for clowns ? The tank is fully cycled, for over a year, many platy in there now, going to bring to store before they have any more babies . (started out with 2 to keep my smaller q tank going and ya know..) Tank has 2 marineland/biowheels, gravel substrate and 2 air hoses. Ph is 7, nitrates 10, ntirites and amonia 0. 10%daily wc's in all tanks and weekly vacuum. any input would be appreciated, thanks, Georgie

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by bookpage » Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:08 am

You already know the answer to your question. A 30 gallon tank is just too small for clown loaches. You can put a small clown loach in a fish bowl, but it is very fair to the fish.

http://www.loaches.com/species-index/cl ... cracanthus

From that page:

Clown Loaches are often sold at the very immature size of 1.5 inches (4cm) or so, but they should not be considered for the smaller (or even medium-sized) aquarium. They will grow quite rapidly from this cute size to around 5 inches (13cm), thereafter the growth slows somewhat, but with good care in a large tank, they can easily reach 8 to 12 inches (20 - 30 cm). They are big, bulky fish at that size. The two fish pictured were 8.5" and 10.5" body length when pictured. That is a standard foot rule beside them.

A potential owner should seriously consider the long-term commitment in purchasing a group of this species, as they will require ever- increasing size of aquaria and may potentially live at least twice as long as some small dogs.

Here are these two fish along with many smaller ones during feeding time

Adults will eventually require an aquarium measuring at least 6’ x 2’ x 2’. Even small specimens of this species must initially be housed in an aquarium that is 4ft long as a minimum. Anything smaller can cause these fast-swimming fish to become stunted and stressed.
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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by DainBramage1991 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:13 am

If you want to put loaches in a 30 gallon tank, consider some of the smaller species, such as:

Dwarf Loaches
http://www.loaches.com/species-index/ya ... idthimunki

Kuhlii loaches and their similar cousins

and maybe even zebra loaches, though even they will likely be unhappy in a small tank.

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:02 am

hi, I suppose I did know, although I was hoping a few would be ok, so won't go that way. Just miss their great personalities . OK ,kuhlii loaches are nice to look at , will do some reading on them. I have a gravel substrate so not sure that will work,but would dig them if appropriate set up . Thanks for the suggestions. Much to read about before deciding. G

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by redshark1 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:30 pm

Dwarf Loaches (Sids) have lots of personality - Clowns in miniature!

I would stop there, assuming you can now avoid losses.

Khulies are Kool. Lots of tiny loaches are available from time to time. You may consider travelling to shops further away to get something interesting.
6 x Clown Loaches all 30 years of age on 01.01.2024, largest 11.5", 2 large females, 4 smaller males, aquarium 6' x 18" x 18" 400 ltr/90 uk gal/110 US gal. approx.

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:14 am

thanks redshark, it has been a few years since the loss, and with more experience , I know what happened. Just that it bummed me for so long, I decided to switch to fancy plecs. They are in a 54g . I do love kuhli loaches, and have seen pics of them on this site with gravel substrate. I plan to read up as much as possible on them and will need something else in the tank too. So i appreciate your suggestions and will check them out. The aquarium store I go to has many loaches to choose from, just want to make the right choice before purchasing fish that won't get along or need a different or larger set up. Thanks for responding. G

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by Diana » Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:37 am

Ditto above suggestions:
Kuhlies are lots of fun, and get along well with small schooling fish such as many of the smaller Tetras. Watch the temperature requirement: Kuhlies are warmer water fish, and some Tetras are better in cooler water.

Sids would also work well in a 30, and are also compatible with most smaller community fish.

Zebra Loaches would work in a 30. I would not add shrimp, but again, small community fish are OK. I had Zebra Loaches with Endlers Livebearers and lots of plants. The Endler population kept on growing... Apparently the Zebras could not find all the babies in the plants.
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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Sun Jan 13, 2013 2:48 am

hi, thanks Diana and everyone else for your help. I checked out the links and need a bit more info if you all don't mind. First, sids,? heard of them but been so long and cant find anything under that name. Also, I want a community tank, keeping the fishload numbers lower than what the tank will allow. Next, i really have my heart set on the kuhlii's so how many inches of gravel would I need to keep them happy? I have a lot of wood pcs, rocks and slate ,as i read they like to hide. There is only about an inch of gravel in there now , and soon my husband's platy will be moved ,so I want to start getting things going slowly . Gravel depth would be first . I love tetras and keep some in the 54g, rummynose and diamonds. Temp is 79.7 in that tank and they seem to not mind. Thanks for any more advice you can give me . appreciate. Georgie

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Sun Jan 13, 2013 3:00 am

sorry guys, just went back and found the sids info, please excuse me ,battling pneumona and just missed it the first time around. Stil would appreciate your insight to the other questions above. thanks again. G

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:09 am

hi again, sorry to keep bothering members, but two questions need info for. How many inches of gravel is needed for kuhlii loaches? Also, I know 5 kuhlii are a good number for a group, but would more be ok in a 30g tank ? thanks, Georgie

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by DainBramage1991 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:22 pm

An inch of gravel is a bit on the low side in my opinion, I usually aim for 1.5" to 2". However, your kuhliis will be less concerned with the depth of the gravel than the number and quality of hiding spots (and water quality, of course).

If it were me, I would add another 1/2" of gravel depth, but again, as long as your plants are well rooted and your caves/decorations have gravel enough to stay in place, the precise depth isn't important.

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by NancyD » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:27 pm

I'd say 12 kuhlis would be fine. If you're not having plants in the substrate an inch is ok & easy to vac. Just make sure it's not sharp. My kuhlis loved plants but anubias & java fern can be attached to wood or rocks & are ok with low light. A couple loaches liked to hang out in floating Indian fern too, scared me the first few times I saw them up at the top.

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Re: 30g what can I get ?

Post by cider » Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:32 am

thanks Dain and Nancy. I will add a bit more gravel, and yes there are many hidey places,as i initially set this tank up for bn's but changed my mind. There is a nice pc of wood , rocks, slate and silk plants. I don't have a green thumb ,and gave up doing live plants years ago. The right silks look real enough. OK, the gravel i have in there now is smooth and will get more of same. 12 tops,so I always go lower, so thinking 8 or 9 . I do daily wc's and weekly vacuums. I try to keep the nitrates 10 or under.

Thank you so much for your advice , much appreciated. I will try to post a pic of the tank i took about a yr ago, see if it works, so members will get an idea on the wood shape and the hidey places and let me know if i need more.

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