scared loaches?

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scared loaches?

Post by Rachael85 » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:27 am

Just a query to see if anyone can figure my loaches out.
I have 9 clown loach in varying age- oldest is 6 and youngest is 1 year. I have recently moved them from the 90l tank that they'd been in for 5 years into a much bigger 160l tank thinking they'd love the space. However since doing this, they have become very shy and becoming much paler and the whites of their eyes show much more visibly ( I rarely saw this happen In the smaller tank.
It is a very nicely planted aquarium with lots of hidey places and so of course I rarely see them except at feeding times and even then they aren't their usual boisterous selves.
Has anyone else come across this and do you think they'll get back to being the crazy fish I love?
Many thanks.

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Re: scared loaches?

Post by Dojosmama » Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:43 am

A few things I can think of:

Did you take the time to acclimate them to the new tank water before putting them into the new tank?

Is the new tank cycled? Did you transfer established filter media over to its filters to provide an instant supply of beneficial bacteria?

Is the water chemistry and temperature and pH the same as in the other tank? Is the current stronger or weaker?

It may take awhile for your loaches to grow accustomed to their new environment. However, if they don't color up again soon, there may be other issues. When I transferred my dojos from my 20 to my 65, they instantly adapted and loved the larger space.

Keep an eye on them and test your water. If they don't improve soon, there's definitely something wrong. Give them another week or so to adapt, and watch that they don't develop any symptoms of illness.

-- Dojosmama

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Re: scared loaches?

Post by Rachael85 » Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:54 pm

Thank you for the reply, apologies for the late reply- internet problems!

All of the fish were well acclimatised and introduced slowly to prevent the water chemical levels spiking in any way (all the chemical parameters were and still are just as they should be)
The water chemistry was the same as the old tank and half to 3/4 of the old tank water was transferred over to make sure they were comfortable to the levels. Filters and media were transferred over too.
All in all the tank was and is just as it should be.
I have since figured out what the problem was....
Since moving my fish over to the new tank (from where they were looking a little cramped) to this 190l (i had previously said it was 160l- was slightly off!), they all looked a little lost as there was just too much space for them and they couldn't get used to it!
I have been slowly adding a few more top and mid level fish and as soon as i had done this, they all perked up, regained their colour and were back to their boisterous selves, throwing themselves around the tank and loving it!
I cant think why this hadn't occurred to me sooner!
Many thanks for the reply again though, was very much appreciated.


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