how many??

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how many??

Post by TayHudson » Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:41 pm

How many plecos are good for 1 tank?? Mine being a 40G. I have Houdini, a rather small but hearty bristlenose. Sorry for all the questions btw.

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Post by TayHudson » Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:19 pm

No answers :(

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Post by glenna » Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:48 pm

Well, one of the answers to a "stocking " question directly relates to the willingness to do water changes.
Plecos are not goldfish, but they are big poopers and so if you want MORE, or a bigger fish, you will have to be willing to change more water!!!!
I just keep track when I have a new pleco, which are usually young, so a little tricky. I tend to stick with the smaller subspecies like bristle nose, or rubberlips. I also have a pair of young clown plecos in a 46 gallon, but they are young so we will see. I LOVE to wtch their mouths stuck to the glass!
Sorry, no clear answer here. It is not as easy as 1 fish = x gallons, but I guess you already know that !!!!
What type of pleco are you looking at???

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Post by glenna » Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:48 pm

Well, one of the answers to a "stocking " question directly relates to the willingness to do water changes.
Plecos are not goldfish, but they are big poopers and so if you want MORE, or a bigger fish, you will have to be willing to change more water!!!!
I just keep track when I have a new pleco, which are usually young, so a little tricky. I tend to stick with the smaller subspecies like bristle nose, or rubberlips. I also have a pair of young clown plecos in a 46 gallon, but they are young so we will see. I LOVE to wtch their mouths stuck to the glass!
Sorry, no clear answer here. It is not as easy as 1 fish = x gallons, but I guess you already know that !!!!
What type of pleco are you looking at???

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Post by TayHudson » Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:36 pm

I know the golden rule ;)

I'm looking into getting another tank soon. Hopefully. Just the tank for now since I can get such a good deal on them on Craigslist. Sorry that was off topic.

I was looking into getting another bristlenose probably since they don't get too massive. I loveeeeeee looking at the HUGE ones in the fish store, even tho I feel bad since some are in such "small" tanks.

I do NOT want to over stock, so I'm sort of hoping to get another tank to put some of my tetras in. I would like to sort of separate some of the fish, since the silver tips are quite aggressive (have been since they got bigger, don't know if that's normal) and I'd like to add some more loaches to my 40 gallon without making the water levels go nuts.

And I don't mind the water changes. I almost find them to be calming. Since I've gotten my rhythm now with them. Even tho the lifting of the buckets isn't my favorite part.

I've seen some beautiful plecos tho at my LFS'. I just want to make sure it's alright if I do decide to add another in the future. First I need to figure out how to deal with all the tetras so I can get a few more loaches. So my 1 larger yoyo doesn't chase my smaller one around anymore. Poor guy.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:12 pm

How many silver tips do you have. If you have less than 6, it could account for the aggression.

I have four Giant Danios, and thankfully they are settling down. I need at least two more. They are big beautiful fish.

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Post by TayHudson » Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:25 pm

I only have 3, so that's probably why. But I really don't want to add too many more tetras. I'd like to add a few more loaches and I really don't want to over do it.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 12:27 am

With the tetras, they stay small and produce very little waste, so adding a few more wouldn't really hurt. Plus the loaches need dithers to feel happy and secure, and if your dithers are unhappy or feeling insecure due to low numbers, your loaches will pick that up and feel insecure. If you have twitchy dithers, your loaches will never reach their potential.

I think it is smart to stay with a BN or something similar for a pleco companion to Houdini. Did you see my post on the zucchini leftovers from my plecos? I have so much pleco spaghetti decorating the tank, I have to do 2 water changes a week. I use a hose just to target the spaghetti. That's one of the reasons the "inch rule" doesn't work. A four inch pleco produces so much waste compared to 4 1" tetras. And my ten inch pleco produces enough waste to cover the entire tank.

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Post by Diana » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:23 am

Bristlenose Pleco males can be territorial, so only one male in a 40 gallon tank.
1 M + 1 F could work, as long as there is enough food. They will eat fresh and lightly cooked vegetables as well as algae, algae wafers and even carnivore wafers.

Other fish:
Stocking depends on waste control:
The more fish food you add to the tank the more nitrogen you will have to remove.
One of the best ways to remove nitrogen is to allow plants to remove it, then prune the plants, not allowing them to die in the tank. Thriving plants have some needs beyond what is supplied in the average tank, but meeting their needs really pays off in healthier fish.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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