Crawdad Companions

The place for all discussions not loach-related concerning freshwater fish keeping. All our members keep other fish so you may benefit from their experience.

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Crawdad Companions

Post by starsplitter7 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:05 am

Hello, I have a single blue crawdad. Any idea what I can put in his tank with him that he will not eat and will not eat him? He is full grown and beautiful! The tank will be a 10 gallon.

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Re: Crawdad Companions

Post by glenna » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:12 pm

I LOVe those blue crawdads and would really like to get one, but have struggled with your same issues.....what else could you put in there that they won't eat??!!
I have wondered about a really top dweller *hatchet, etc), but do not know if the crawdad would swim up there to eat it.
I will be interested to see what others with experience with these guys have to say about tank mates!

Hey, on a side note, where have all the fresh water shrimp gone??!!
I can't even seem to find any online. How are your shrimp doing, Starsplitter?

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Re: Crawdad Companions

Post by starsplitter7 » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:49 pm

My African Butterfly never leaves the top of the tank. I never thought of that. But I have seen my Crawdad hanging out at the top. Holding onto the filter intake, and I think plotting escape. I got this awesome creasture for $3 at my fish club auction.

I have a variety of shrimp and they are in various stages of thriving. My cherry shrimp population of hundreds crashed, and I lost them all in a couple of weeks. I have three Bamboo Shrimp. One large male, a female with eggs and a subadult. They all fan together, and once they were in a circle fanning, and sometimes they are in the coconuts, and only stick their fan out of one of the holes. That is really funny.

I have about 5 Amanos and they are lovely. I have a lovely mystery shrimp that looks like a ghost on steroids, with a thich carapace and a slight blue tinge. Bigger than an Amano and much smaller that a whisker. I recently purchased a tank of cherries and tigers, and there appear to be maybe 30 shrimp. I hope to breed them. And I have a tank of blue bees, but I don't think they are thriving. I was hoping to breed them. And this weekend I am trading some Bristlenoses for a few crystal shrimp, so I can try them again. We'll see. I haven't figured out why my shirimp thrive and then die out en masse.

Today I found rabbit snails and I was thrilled. Looks like their shells are mad up of tan mud. I am hoping they survive my acidic wate.r I will try to set up a tank for them. The store people let me take home the babies. Whee!

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Re: Crawdad Companions

Post by jordan » Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:26 pm

oh i love them!!! there is some in our pet shop would love one but be scard inlcase thay eat me fish lol hve you asked the pet store what fsh you cudput wth it without the Crawdad eating them

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Re: Crawdad Companions

Post by starsplitter7 » Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:33 pm

The pet store is generally the last place I ask. Hopefully yours are much better than mine. The bad part with a crawfish is that they will eat a piece of a fish or whole. Whatever works. :) And if your fish are big, they would happily snack on your crawfish.

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