Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

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Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

Post by Sadielynne » Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:41 pm

Hi! I joined this group a couple of months ago, because had questions about clown loaches. I had boughjt 3 loaches and put them in a 45 gal. tank. I haven't been on much, since the initial posting as I work nights and don't have a brain!! :shock:

I had started taking care of 5 45 gal bow front tanks at a vets home, with a "huge" sum of $50/mo. available for maintenance, etc.!! Then, I started taking care of 3 cockatiels and their items were included in the $50!!! :cry: quite honestly, I am not sure how this is going to work out, because I am so limited, and this is where the problem comes to a head!!!

ALL of the aquariums have had the support on the top "trim" piece BREAK!!!!!! I am talking about the piece that runs from the front of the tank to the back, which gives support to the glass tops and I assume helps the tank's front and back from bulging out. I say tht because at least 2 tanks have that problem, now! You can see some bowing on the back AND the front!!!

These are All-Glass aquariums and apparently had a 2 yr. warranty, so nothing can be done as far as replacing the tanks. My plan is to replace the aquariums, but that involves a pretty good chunk of change!!! The lady I am held accountable to is suggesting 1 tank at a time. I guess I haven't stressed the SAFETY issue enough to her!!!! I don't want an aquarium popping and shooting out 45 GAL. of water and fish on a resident of the vets home, for crying out loud! I will make a proposal and include my concerns and hope other people that involved will understand!

When working up a proposal on cost of a new aquarium I am trying to figure out how to get the most for the money, of course! What I am wondering about is whether to look at 1 powerhead per aquarium, or get a large air pump and get the undergravel filters working with lift tubes on both corners (then I could add air stones, etc. for "looks"!!). They had 1 powerhead per aquarium and an outside canister filter. I did find out, too, that one or two tanks had an undergravel filter that didn't cover the whole bottom, making me wonder if there was not a particular filter for a bowfront.

So, it's powerhead vs plain undergravel filter!! One tank is live bearers right now, 2 are goldfish tanks, one has 6 male guppies and I am thinking about putting red parrot fish in there, moving the guppies first!! I figure they would be easy to see, when many residents have seeing issues.

I would like to add a couple of pics, so you know what I am talking about, with the supports broken or missing, but I don't know how to add pictures!!
Thanks! Paula

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Re: Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

Post by plaalye » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:34 am

Those cross braces can be repaired if all else is solid. Epoxy a piece of plexi or similar on top of the broken brace. It might be beneficial to clamp it lightly,front to back, while curing. It's a common occurrence and fix. I don't like under-gravel filters for many reasons. I'd stick with the cannister/powerhead.

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Re: Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

Post by Sadielynne » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:31 pm

Plaaye, doesn't the powerhead basically mimic the undergravel filter, but, with more power! What I have found tho', is that the undergravel filters that in these tanks do not have the shape of the tank (bow front) and does extra filtration from the powerhead make it more efficient?
Also, someone had said to not use charcoal. I have heard that before, but don't remember what the reason was! Do you know??
Thank you!!!

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Re: Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

Post by plaalye » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:52 pm

The powerhead operates the undergravel filter, as would an air pump. It basically makes your substrate the filter by moving water through it top to bottom. A powerhead alone just moves water. I do add pre-filter sponges to my powerheads to collect debris and harbor bacteria. I only use charcoal in filters if I'm removing meds from the tank.

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Re: Fairly new, newbie with question on filters

Post by Sadielynne » Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:24 am

Plaalye, the cross pieces are missing, totally, on 2 or 3 aquariums!! If you add a piece, do you need to do that to the ends, also, so you have an even surface for the glass top to sit on? Otherwise, I am thinking the tops will tip, one way ro the other.

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