29g tank filter suggestions? ...And other questions (+Pics)

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29g tank filter suggestions? ...And other questions (+Pics)

Post by 021414 » Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:12 pm

Hi Everyone,

I haven't been active in this community for quite some time, but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on a few things. I am upgrading my aquarium, I used to have a 20g high tank with 5 Pangio oblonga and 2 Pangio kuhlii, along with some other miscellaneous fish. Three moves later I had my tank with some friends and they ended up dropping and breaking it somehow. I had to make some adjustments on the fly and my loaches are not in the most ideal of circumstances but I'm doing what I can (I'm sure some of you guys have been in that spot before).

Anyhow, I just bought a 29g high tank (30" x 18" x 12") and am working on creating a really nice setup for the following fish.

1x Bristlenose Pleco (4" female)
5x Pangio oblonga (4")
1x Pangio kuhlii (ranging from 3" - 4")
1x Zebra Nerite snail

I am planning the following.

Slimline background installed inside the tank leaving a gap to hide equipment behind it (see link here).

I'm torn on this one... I want something sandy, but not so fine that it's difficult to clean. What is the threshold for plunging a gravel vacuum into the substrate to clean, or is that not even necessary? I currently have really fine sand but I'm open to suggestions.

I have amazon swords, wisteria and some duckweed. Any additional suggestions for plants? I also have driftwood, smooth river rock and some smooth stone caves.

Fluval Eco Bright LED strip light adjustable from 24" to 36"

I think I need help on this one. I've read several reviews on various filtration systems and I want to go with an Eheim canister filter (either model 2213 or 2215). I have heard mixed reviews about this filter and I want to know what everyone here thinks about that particular filter? I checked http://aqadvisor.com with my planned stock (even including 3x Botia kubotai) and it seems to be sufficient. Strangely, even though the aquarium filtration capacity changes between the 2213 and 2215 models, the % water change remains at 26% per week. With that being the case, I am thinking of going with the 2213. Suggestions? With this setup, do I need a powerhead to create more water flow and movement?

Oh, and here's a cute picture I snapped of a few of my loaches in the morning.

temporary 20g high - 1x Pangio kuhlii, 5x Pangio oblongas, and 6x Puntius tetrazonas

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Re: 29g tank filter suggestions? ...And other questions (+Pi

Post by malik123 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:29 am

I haven't been active in this community for quite some time, but I wanted to get everyone's opinion on a few things. I am upgrading my aquarium, I used to have a 20g high tank with 5 Pangio oblonga and 2 Pangio kuhlii, along with some other miscellaneous fish. Three moves later I had my tank with some friends and they ended up dropping and breaking it somehow. I had to make some adjustments on the fly and my loaches are not in the most ideal of circumstances but I'm doing what I can (I'm sure some of you guys have been in that spot before).

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Re: 29g tank filter suggestions? ...And other questions (+Pi

Post by gaiden » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:00 am

A few thoughts... I haven't found much need to mess with my sand substrate since I have a burrowing eel that keeps it fairly turned over. I went with pool filter sand and it has worked great for me.
I don't have any experience with the 3d backgrounds but I would be inclined to think your khulis might end up spending quite a bit of time behind it if the find a way.
Personally I am in love with the eheim ecco line and I would highly recommend one of those. They cost a little bit more but are a ton more user friendly than the classics.
Plants... I'm not sure what kind of output the led's will have for growing live plants but it's hard to go wrong with crypts, java fern, and hardier stem plants like ludwigia and wisteria.

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Re: 29g tank filter suggestions? ...And other questions (+Pi

Post by ruman56 » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:30 am

I’ve just come across your blog after being referred there by another blogger, and I loooove all your DIY projects! I need some advise on a DIY of my own and you seem to be the person to ask about this!

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