Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

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Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Sadielynne » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:26 pm

I have been doing a little shifting around in the aquariums I take care of (5-45 gal bow fronts) at the vets home. I put 2 comets in with 2 other comets and used that tank to "upgrade" to 4 fantails and 2 black moors. I did this gradually, plus it was an established tank. I wasn't able to return for about 2 wks. and learned that all the fantails were gone, with a pleco was still there!

I have added 5 larger fantails and moors, plus, "rehomed" the pleco, as he was VERY active and was driving the fantails away from the food that went to the bottom - actually, he looked like he was wanting to "suck" on a couple! I thought he may have been the culprit with the smaller fish, so took a gamble and put him in a tank with platys and a larger angel. I figured they were mid to high swimmers and wouldn't get bothered by him. I hope that pays off!! :)

My question is this. Are the fantails staying on the bottom because the pleco was bothering them? Or, are they doing that for a different reason. I am medicating the tank as I treated for parasites (a hydra was on one black moor). I pulled it off and there was a bit of a sore, so I figured Mela-fix would be good to use. I am in the 3rd day of treatment and haven't had any issues, when used before. Actually, it's worked wonders, in the past!!

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Diana » Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:26 pm

Plecos will suck the slime coat off slow moving (sleeping or not) flat sided fish like many Golds, Angels, Gouramis...
I would feed a carnivore wafer rather than an algae wafer. Might need more protein in his diet.

I am not sure why the fan tails are staying at the bottom. I would think if they did not like the Pleco they would stay closer to the top. (Unless that is where the Pleco stays. Which would be weird for a Pleco)
Are they staying upright, not laying on their sides or upside down?
Sometimes fish stay pretty low in the tank if they are constipated. This is a known problem among the fat bodied Golds: Their spine is distorted, so there is not the proper space for their internal organs, and they need extra roughage in their diet to help keep the food moving. Feed peas, daphnia, and similar foods.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Sadielynne » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:06 am

Hi Diana!

The fantails seem to be doing pretty good. There is one, primarily, that is sitting on the bottom. He is upright - not on his side. I think it was a good move to 're-home" the pleco. I'll keep an eye out on him, since there is a larger angel in that tank. I would hate to have something happen to him!!

I have shrimp pellets, plus pellets for loaches. I assume they would be OK for the pleco? Do you feed frozen (thawed) peas or canned peas? I would think the frozen would be healthier.

I used to work for a fish wholesale co. that also had a fish store and the lady had told me that gold fish do better in shallower tanks - not a "show" tank, so I was a bit worried about these "kids", but the people residing at the vets home need fish that are bigger, hence the larger fantails. Would they do a bit better, also, if I added salt to that tank?

Now that my ankle is pretty much mended (except for swelling) I'll be able to take care of the tanks on a regular basis. I was going out there at least every other day, so I knew what was going on!

Thank you!!

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Diana » Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:00 pm

I mix the feeding for my tanks, since most tanks have assorted fish.
Algae wafers, carnivore wafers, shrimp pellets and other chunkier foods for the bottom feeders.
Flakes and small pellets that float for the upper tank feeders.
I also feed fresh and frozen vegetables, never canned. My fish seem to like pumpkin, yams and squashed best, and the stems of broccoli, but I need to slice it open to expose the tender inside.
For constipation, frozen peas, defrosted in a bit of hot water.
I get foods from Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food, high quality foods, reasonable prices.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Sadielynne » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:04 am

I didn't get to the vet home for 3 days (I usually go every other day) and I was in SHOCK!!!! The fantails had the worse case of ick I have ever seen!!!!! There are blood streaks in their fins (adding Melafix) and I started medicating with Jungle's Ick Guard, as that is what was available. I will hunt in my basement to find a heater to warm up the water a bit. The Ick Guard says it works without the temp. increase, so maybe I don't need it?

I treated for 2 or 3 days and missed yesterday because of a number of appts. and will go out in the morning, today, before I leave town, and treat again I did do a partial water change, and they seemed more lively after that.

I am wondering about adding some salt (I do have non-iodized, so there is no worry with it) and I know that would be a good thing to do.

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Diana » Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:45 pm

Golds do not mind salt.
Add it slowly, though. If you can do it over about 3 days that would be best.
1 tsp/5 gallons today, same tomorrow, and again the next day.
The dose will then be 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons, and this is strong enough to kill ich.

Do as many water changes as you can. The target is to clean the Ich off the floor of the tank when it falls down there to breed, so the water changes do not have to be very big, just a thorough sweep of the bottom. The other thing this does is to remove the organic debris so the medicines will attach to the Ich, and not get wasted attaching to other things.

Confirm that salt is compatible with the other medication. Should say so on the label, or at least it might say 'do not use with salt' if it was a problem.

Temperature is optional.
Higher temp will encourage the Ich to grow faster, so fall off the fish faster, so the treatment goes on for less time.
Also raises the metabolism of the fish, so may improve their immunity.
Do not raise it higher than about the mid 70s F (about mid 20s C). Golds do not do well at the higher temps, and the water has less oxygen. Improve the water movement as needed to be sure the water is well oxygenated.

That is probably why the one Gold was on the floor of the tank. He did not feel well with the parasite getting started.
Ich can live in the gills, so hide for a while.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Sadielynne » Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:22 pm

Thanks, Diana! The fish are doing better. From Mon. to Wed. (couldn't get there Tues) they are 95% better, I would say!! Not a lot of spot visible! I couldn't believe my eyes!!!!
Medicated today and will leave the temp. alone as it it at 74, with no heater. One is still looking a bit tough, but he is one that kept going into the decorative volcano and needing help getting out!!
I fed peas today after medicating. I put salt in the other day - probably about 5 tbsps., or so - it's a 45 gal., so I don't think I over did. I'll try to do a water change tomorrow, too. figured about every 3 days or so.
Well, I have to get to bed. Back to work tonight - ugh!!!
Thanks, again!! You are a gem, for the help!! My mind is a bit rusty and DEAD, working nights!!!!

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Re: Fantail Goldfish in 45 gal Bow Front

Post by Diana » Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:25 pm

Maintain treatment even after you cannot see any more spots on the fish. I would keep it up for about 5 days with tank temp in the mid 70s, even a week is not too long. Better safe than sorry.
Ich can live in the gills, and those last few Ich need to fall off and breed. Medicine kills the baby Ich, so it needs to be in the water when those last babies emerge.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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