Parabotia fasciata Profile*

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Martin Thoene
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Parabotia fasciata Profile*

Post by Martin Thoene » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:01 am

*work in progress*

Scientific name: Parabotia fasciata (Dabry de Thiersant, 1872)

Common name: Ringelschmerle (Germany).

Synonyms: Botia fasciata, Parabotia fasciatus, Botia xanthi, Nemachilus xanthi, Botia multifasciata, Leptobotia intermedia, Leptobotia hopeiensis, Leptobotia kudoii, Leptobotia kudorii, Leptobotia kwangsiensis, Botia wui.

Distribution: China.

Sexual Dimorphism: Not known.

Maximum size: 6 inches.

Similar to: Other Parabotia

Care: This family of fish are sub-tropical and probably live in fast to medium flow streams throughout China. They therefore appreciate current in their aquarium, good aeration and filtration.

Feeding: Not known, but probably easy to feed. Should accept all proprietary aquarium foods.

Water parameters: pH: 7.0- 8.0 . Hardness: Medium . Max dh:

Temperature: 68ºF to 75ºF (20-23.8°C)

Breeding: Not bred in aquaria.

Notes: Parabotia species are extremely rare in the aquarium trade, occasionally coming in as contaminants with fish such as Sinobotia pulchra. Rarely, they arrive as a dedicated species. Most of this family probably like to hide under rocks, so their aquarium should be furnished with lots of large pebbles and flat pieces of slate or other inert rock to provide multiple places for the fish to hide and provide security.

Seemingly a fish that scientists have difficulty classifying (note multiple names), Parabotia fasciata seems to like the company of its own species and should be kept in groups.

Credit: Ken Childs


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