Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn II

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Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn II

Post by MandaMunky » Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:25 am


My 3 loaches that I got from the LFS didn't turn out to be the healthies bunch (surprise, surprise!!) However, after turning thif forum inside out & trying every treatment I could find that had proven results/was safe for "skinny disease" 2 of them are doing exceptionally well & GROWING FAST, but my one little guy looks like he must have shrunk!!

I've tried Levamisole (3 doses - done just like the article in the forum suggests), & a combination treatment of Maracyn & Maracyn II. I'm feeding a combination of frozen baby brine shrimp, blood worms, shrimp pellets, high quality flakes, peas, spinach, & sinking algea wafers. I focus most heavily on the protien & the veggies go in about twice per week. I don't do a fast day because I'm not sure the little guy could handle it. He's only about 1.5-2" & he's soo skinny & doesn't have much color.

Can anyone think of or suggest anything else I can try? I don't want to give up on the little guy =(

PS - I did buy these guys totally uninformed from the big box LFS & I've tried to rectify my wrong my making their environment appropriate (super clean water with lots of flow, tons of hiding places, coarse sand substrate, etc.) & getting them on a healthy feeding schedule (described above). Now I feel like I'm running out of options & I don't want to watch this little guy die slowly. He's 3 months old to me & like I said he's sooooooo skinny! He seems to act perky when I go sit by the tank - he'll dance for me! He seems to eat well & it doesn't seem like anyone bullys him.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Water parameters: pH 8.0 (I know this is high but I read that it's better to leave it than to constantly change it w chemicals etc.), Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10-15, Temp 78-79F.

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:28 pm

Someone please, please help =(

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by DainBramage1991 » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:18 pm

Have you observed your skinny loach eating? Does he really pack it in or does he just nibble a bit here and there? Are his eating habits similar to your other clowns?

If he's a good eater, I would relax a bit and see what happens. If not, he could just be finicky. I recently bought a school of 9 clowns, and 8 of them wouldn't eat a thing for the first few days. Now, several weeks later, 3 of them are pigs and will eat anything that gets in their way, 4 of them love bloodworms but turn their noses up at most other food, and the remaining 2 are dieting almost exclusively off of the algae and gunk growing on the filter sponges. Several have fattened up, but the rest are thin, but not to the point of being unhealthy (all are behaving normally in every other way). These are my first clowns but definitely not my first loaches. Prior to this, I would never have believed it if someone had told me that there was such a thing as a finicky loach.

You've already treated for the more dangerous causes of "skinny disease", but in your shoes I might consider another round of medication. If you go that route it would be best to quarantine the affected loach for the duration of the treatment.

Also keep in mind that this is my uneducated opinion. Hopefully someone who knows a lot more on the subject will chime in with some more advice.

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:02 pm

Hey thanks for the reply!! I'm beginning to think that another round of the antibiotic might be just what the fish doctor ordered. He does eat - in fact he's a PIG!! That's exactly why I'm still so worried about him being so skinny. Seems like with all he eats that he should be much bigger!! The others are probably 2-3Xs his size now & when I bought them they were all pretty much the same.

I'm open to any & all advice if anyone else has more suggestions!

Thanks again!

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by Diana » Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:17 pm

There are different internal parasites, and not all are killed by any one medicine. You have probably knocked out quite a few with the Levamisole, but the one little fish probably has some sort of parasite that does not respond to Levamisole.

It will take a bit of research, but look up the different kinds of parasites and see what is suggested against them.
If Levamisole (in any form) is suggested, then assume you have killed that sort of worm, and go on to another.
If you have eliminated most possible parasites, there might be a few that the fish might have, that did not get killed by the Levamisole. See what is the best active ingredient against that short list, and treat with that medicine.

Similarly, antibiotics do not kill all possible bacteria.
You might do a similar search about possible bacterial issues. Here is how I would do this:
Look up the ingredients you used, and make a list of what they treat.
Then look up other antibiotics, and see what they treat. If there is a lot of overlap, if one antibiotic treats pretty much the list you have already treated for, then skip that medicine. You are looking for an antibiotic that is active against different diseases than before.
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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:12 pm

Thank you Diana. I will try what you suggested & proceed from there.

Is it better to isolate him or to treat the whole tank? I figure if I isolate him it might be the death of him. He seems super happy schooling around with his buddies & if he's alone I'm afraid he'll just turn into a complete failure to thrive. Also, isn't there a chance that whatever he has they all have? Please advise.

Thanks again!

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by Diana » Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:53 pm

All I can suggest are some maybes, really wishy-washy!

It is possible that the other fish are harboring whatever it is, but their immune system is keeping it under control. If you remove the little guy for treatment, then return him it is possible that he will be re-infected. But would his immune system get the boost it needs from the treatment, and be able to fight off whatever it is better?

For sure I would treat the whole tank if a parasite is involved, these can exist at a low level and not cause problems in some fish, then some stress hits and their immune system falters, and the parasites grow. I guess this could happen with bacteria, too.

The stress of the capture and isolation sure can harm the fish, so from that angle, too I would treat the main tank.
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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by chefkeith » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:34 pm

I'd try Prazipro next. It's worked for a few of my fish, when other meds, such as Levamisole and Maracyn I & II didn't.

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:44 am

So, I did some more research & I decided on API's General Cure, which contains Metronidazole & Praziquantel. I just put in my second dose & my poor little guy hasn't really changed behavior wise (he's still eating but kind of subdued compared to everyone else), but it almost looks as if he's lost MORE weight. I'm supposed to wait another 48 hours then do a 25% water change. I hope this works. He's still munchin on brine shrimp but doesn't seem to want anything to do with the pellets that used to be his favorite, or much else for that matter. So, I'll keep feeding him brine shrimp since that's all he wants right now & I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thank you to everyone who's posted for their advice. I'll report back after a few more days. Hopefully with some positive news!!

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:25 am

Man, my little guy won't really eatat all now. I didn't want to completely separate him but last night he was actually being bullied around for no reason by my other 2 loaches. So, I decided to use a live bearer net container thing to put him in but still leave him in the fully cycled tank with the meds. I put a little bit of a pellet in there with him & as of this morning it doesn't look like he touched the food but may have a slight bit more energy. I'm wondering though, when will I know that this isn't working & that euthanaisa might actually be what's best for him?

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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by Diana » Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:53 pm

Try flavoring the pellet with a bit of garlic. If that won't tempt him then it may be time. Whatever parasite or disease is infecting him is too much. I think I would continue the treatment, though. Finish it out. If there is no improvement then euthanize him. :-(

Do not let him die while still in the tank. Many disease and parasite organisms will leave the body when the fish dies and that sudden increase in population of pests might infect the other fish with an overwhelming burst of whatever it is. Isolate the water he is in, so he is not in a net or mesh where the water (and diseases) can flow back and forth. Solid walled container.
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Re: Clown STILL SKINNY even after Levamisol, Maracyn/Maracyn

Post by MandaMunky » Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:25 am

We had to euthanize our little guy. RIP Baby Bear - we're so sorry we couldn't make you feel better. =(

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