Vitamin Additives - Yay or Nay?

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Vitamin Additives - Yay or Nay?

Post by MandaMunky » Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:32 pm

So, I'm trying to think ahead for these poor little, emaciated, pale, Ich infested loaches I have in QT. As bad as that sounds they're still alive... they're NOT happy with the treatment/Ich but they do still eat some of their garlic soaked brine shrimp & are coming out early morning & early evening to swim around a little. Last night was the 3rd dose of Rid-Ich, tonight will be the 4th. I'm not seeing any white spots any more, but they're still flashing & clamping their fins, but I'm not sure that this isn't due to the meds? IDK!? (Here's the original thread if anyone is interested & hasn't already seen it:

ANYWAY!! LOL I was researching some vitamin products that I might be able to use to help these little ones recover (I'm staying positive) & also just for the overall health of all of my fish.

My questions is: Do any of you use vitamins? If so, which ones & what should I look for when purchasing some for my loach tanks (QT 29gallon, Main Tank 75-80g bow front)?

How's something like this: ... catid=4998

Thanks =)

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Re: Vitamin Additives - Yay or Nay?

Post by Loachloach » Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:53 am

Not sure which part of the world you are located at.
The best thing you can do is spend the money on quality foods instead. I use New Era and New Life Spectrum products that contain vitamins themselves and I try to vary the food. Clown loaches love certain fruit like melon and also cucumber/zucchini, etc..
I bought an older loach who had an odd fainted pinkish colouring, not the usual fading they get from being stressed because the stripes were black but in between wasn't bright yellow like my other loaches, and now after a few months in my tank he's getting brighter and healthier looking and has almost the same colours as my original group of loaches. I think it has to do with the food.
Don't feed them just blood worms and brine shrimp. Add other types of food like algae tablets(my clown loaches love them the most, more than blood worms, especially New Era pleco pellets) and all sorts of other sinking pellets from quality vendors. Research and check the ingredients of all foods you buy. Some of them are appalling and are 47% ash. If they are not fed well, it's like someone raising you on burgers and chips :lol:
A younger loach would need feeding more often and lots of water changes because they are in a fast growing stage.
Good luck with your loaches. They are lovely fish to have.

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Re: Vitamin Additives - Yay or Nay?

Post by MandaMunky » Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:21 pm

Well, unfortunately, I only had one of those little sick babies make it through the Ich treatment... "he's" still in QT, but is doing excellent. I've slowly been able to get him to take a larger variety of foods as well. Currently, he's alternating between spriulina enhanced brine shrimp, bloodworms, shrimp/seaweed bottom feeder pellets, algae pellets, & peas. At least twice weekly I will soak a meal in Garlic Guard. They love it & it really seem to boost their appetite!

The little lone survivor is really starting to shine, too! Colors are enhancing & he's putting on weight! I'm anxiously awaiting the completion of his QT period & for him to grow a little bigger before I add him to my big tank with my 4 other Clowns!

I know exactly what you mean by the color between the stripes looking very pale or "pinkish" because this little boogen is the same way, but it's all on the up & up.

Thank you for the reply!

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