Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

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Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

Post by dioscuri85 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:08 pm

Hello all,

I am posting here in hopes someone can answer some questions regarding the behavior of my yo yo loaches that I have been noticing as of the past two weeks and a few other issues. The only explanation I can think of is that as of 2 weeks ago, I've been trying to catch 1 of the yo yo loaches who appears to have the skinny disease to move her to the quarantine tank. I tried 4-5 times and failed every time, did this for a span of a week. I am assuming this is what got all of them startled, but I am not sure if this is the primary reason to why I barely see them or barely see them digging around in the gravel like they usually do.

Type of fish that are affected: x6 Yo yo loaches / Botia almorhae
* How long has the tank been set up for? Since Sept 2013 / 4 months
* Size of tank (dimensions and volume): 55 gallons
* How is the tank being filtered? : x1 AquaClear 30 Power Filter & x1 Eheim 2217 Canister Filter
* Water temperature. 76 F
* Your maintenance regime (e.g. how often water changes are carried out, what percentage of the water is changed each time, how often you clean your filter/s and how do you do this?) Water Change 30% to 50% Once a Week by using a gravel vacuum. Clean filter out every few months.
* Has anything new been added to the tank recently? (fish, plants, live food, decor etc). No. Only change I did was take out 1 platy to a 20 gallon tank which I'm using to breed snails for loach snack and have baby ghost shrimp in there as well that I'm raising.
* What other fish are in the tank? 2 Adult Guppies, Two 5-6 month old guppies (have had these guys since they were fry), 2 platy, 2 endler guppies, 4 clown loaches (introduced as of past 2 months)
* As detailed a description as possible of the symptoms the fish are exhibiting (remember a photograph can speak a thousand words).
- Seizure / flipping while swimming every now and then.
- Hides almost all the time
When I first got these guys, I remember they were displaying seizure like movements every now and then. Then it completely stopped, then as of last month I am seeing the same behavior. The oddest part is that almost all of them hide now 95% of the time (especially the biggest one), they only come out during feeding time, and are extremely easily startled. They used to be completely active, always digging in the gravel and never showed any behavior of where they were easily startled. All my other fish appears to be doing fine.
* How long ago the affected fish were added to the tank, and how long the fish have been displaying symptoms. They have all been added to the tank at random times from 3 different fish shops. Out of the 6 yo yo loaches, all have grown extremely fast with the exception of one yo yo loach who I believe has the skinny disease.
* Your current water parameters - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH (please don't say 'my water is fine, the levels are ok', we would like actual numbers from the test results).
7.6 PH

According to the GH & KH conversion chart, it shows max of 12 drops even though I have more than that. I'm assuming I'm supposed to be looking for the combined # of drops, which is 26 and so I'm beyond the ppm rate for GH/KH. Can anyone confirm my measurements? I have a feeling I'm doing something wrong here.
Conversion chart: http://www.apifishcare.com/pdf/GH_and_K ... Insert.pdf

I know my tank is small for the clown loaches, but they are small now and when they get a few inches bigger, I plan on returning them to the LFS.

I can post pictures and videos if need be. Thanks!

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Re: Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

Post by zenins » Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:59 pm

dioscuri85 wrote: I know my tank is small for the clown loaches, but they are small now and when they get a few inches bigger, I plan on returning them to the LFS.
Keep the loaches ... get a larger tank :mrgreen:

When trying to catch loaches, I have two methods:
  • 1. use two nets, one is usually black and the other is green or blue, chase the loach with the green or blue one right into stationary the black net
    2. have a ceramic tube or log, usually open at just one end, chase the loach into the log, cover the end with the net and lift the log out of the tank into a pail of tank water or your quarantine tank
I am frequently catching loaches for fish shows and these two methods work best ;)


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Re: Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

Post by dioscuri85 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:56 am

I ended up catching the skinny loach using an old mini fry tank I had that I placed inside the 55g tank. She's now in the smaller tank and appears to be doing extremely well. I think she eradicated most of the snails in there and does not appear stressed or anything. I'm going to do a 50% water change with both tanks today.

Still not sure why my yo yo loaches in the 55g have been so inactive. Thought these forums might be helpful, but it doesn't look like too many people use this anymore. :-(

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Re: Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

Post by zenins » Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:28 pm

dioscuri85 wrote:Thought these forums might be helpful, but it doesn't look like too many people use this anymore. :-(
There is a huge repository of information here, just have to do some searches ;)


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Re: Yo Yo Loaches suddenly hiding + getting startled easily

Post by MandaMunky » Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:59 pm

This seizure behavior you're describing almost sounds like "flashing" - fish will flash & hide because something is out of whack in the tank - whether it be related to the nitrogen cycle or to bacteria... or parasites... that's something we have to figure out.

I agree with using the search option to scan the LOL database for articles or threads that include: Flashing, Nitrogen Cycle, YoYo Care & behavior, Ich, High Ammonia, High Nitrites, High Nitrates, Water changes, etc.

I sure do hope they turn back around & that you decide to keep them!

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