"White Spots" on my Weather Loach: What might this

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"White Spots" on my Weather Loach: What might this

Post by Asmodeus » Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:02 pm

I recently purchased two new Weather Loaches (both from the same store; same tank). The tank conditions were quite poor, however they both seemed perfectly fine when I bought them, and for the forthcoming week or so. About six days ago I lost one of my little guys, due to what appeared to be some sort of body fungus/ich as well as fin/tail rot, loss of appetite, and decreased movement. (Laying on his side; often upsidedown).

Before I could even fully get over the loss of my little "dustmop", I began to notice similar white spots emerging on my other new Weather Loach. I moved him into a Q Tank, so as not to risk spreading parasites to my other fish/loaches. It has been nearly 24 hours since he has been in his hospital tank, and I have added a little "Melafix" to the water as it is Herbal, and will not cause further problems (with loaches being sensitive to medications) and I also partially changed his water when I returned home this afternoon.

These few pictures (Though now I am not too sure I even know how to post them properly,) are of what my Loach looked like when I got him, and what he looks like now. They are kind of hard to see... the second two pictures are when I moved him into a glass bowl to take the pictures. That's why thay aren't the best... I just didn't want to stress him.

ANY suggestions as to what this may be, how to treat it properly, etc, will be GREATLY appreciated. I do not want to lose a second Loach in under one month. :cry:

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15 ... loach1.jpg
[When he first came home]

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15 ... loach2.jpg
[Kind of hard to see. But I posted it because one of the spots on his back is quite visible.]

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa15 ... loach3.jpg
[This one is probably the "best" one I have...]

These are the links to the images... if they don't work, I will try again.

Thank you for taking the time to read/look. :)


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Post by Asmodeus » Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:03 pm

The subject title got cut off.
Sorry about that!

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Post by Munkee » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:01 pm

Are the spots smooth, bumpy or fuzzy at all? Looks as if his slime coat is peeling, but if they are fuzzy, it would be fungus.

Tell me as much as you can about his bahavior and the general appearance of the spots.

Oh take a look throught here and see if any of these sound like what you fish has. http://www.fishyfarmacy.com/fish_diseas ... rders.html
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Post by Asmodeus » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:26 pm

Well, the spots don't jump out as "bumpy" or "fuzzy" really... they're hard to describe. However, I noticed that they are worse on the upper (closest to head) area of his body, and they gradually lessen down his back, but are still visible. They are 'milky' whitish (and almost 'film' like?) in color. I looked through the skin diseases chart you posted, but I still have no idea what it may be... :(

The main difference between this loach and my other loach who recently passed away is that this one's fins/tail are still fully intact; not torn or frayed.

As for his behavior, he is very sluggish, which is the main thing I am noticing (behavior-wise.) I 'believe' I have seen him pecking at a little bit of food, but not eating as he usually did. It's almost as if his energy is "draining" out of him. Though I have taken into consideration the fact that being seperated from his friends would probably have something to do with that as well. Occasionally, I'll notice him sort of laying on an angle, rather than upright.

Will the Melafix I am giving him even help? I know it is supposed to sooth skin irritation (?) but I don't want to cause further damage of any kind. I also don't want to give him any other medications (without knowing exactly what is wrong with him) in case further complications occur.

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Post by Munkee » Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:00 pm

Hmm he certianly does sound like mine did when he was very ill. I managed to save mine so lets keep our fingers crossed here. The Melafix won't hurt him, it will either help or do nothing. No worries of harm from it.

When my loach was ill he was poisioned by Nitrites ( as I was a beginner hobbiest and had old tank syndrome), you need to get a reading on your tank water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If you don't have a test kit, ask the fish store to test your water, bring a cup down there, and make sure you have them write down the numbers of each, not just "it's within safe range".

Until then, do small water changes each day in the main tank, and keep him in the hospital tank. If the hospital tank has not been established and fully cycled, do daily water changes there too, small amounts depending on the size we are talking about. Change about 15-20% daily as not to shock anyone but also to remove any harmful ammonia/nitrites/nitrates.
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Post by Asmodeus » Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:13 am

Well, I've been giving him water changes every day like you suggested (in his hospital tank), and still giving him Melafix.

I really can't get back to the fish store to get a water reading since it is hours away, and I don't have one of those test kits... I'm going to try to either get one over the weekend or go back to the fish store if need be.

His white spots haven't gone away yet. In fact, I don't believe I have even seen any signs of improvement at all. He is still very sluggish and doesn't appear to have much of an appetite.

If anyone has any more suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated, because I'm pretty much stuck here. :(

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Post by sophie » Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:41 pm

that's an incredibly thin weather.

they often come in in poor condition; I'm guessing at bacterial infection and it sounds as if the slime coat might be peeling off.
small frequent water changes; get it out of the tank with the goldies in at least initially as they are yuck-buckets (technical term ;)) and make sure taht your Q/hospital tank has somewhere for it to hide. If you can keep the wter well-aerated that would be good to... If it's eating that's a positive.

best of luck.
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