Help with Kuhli Loach Diagnosis

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Help with Kuhli Loach Diagnosis

Post by Access » Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:35 pm

Hi all,

I think I've got a sick kuhli loach on my hands. I'm new to keeping kuhlis... I'd appreciate any input/advice you can give me.

I've got a 15 gallon planted aquarium. Temperature is 79 degrees. PH is about 7.2. No ammonia or nitrite. Currently stocked with a female betta, 6 neon tetras, and an otocinclus.

I bought the kuhli loach about 10 days ago. Within a few hours, he had gone into my Aquaclear 20g HOB filter. Couldn't have been there more than 2 hours. I was pretty worried about him, but he didn't seem to have an injuries. I have since wrapped the intake with wire to make the vents even smaller.

I've only seen him twice during the last 10 days. He stays in a decorative cave, and runs back in there when the lights turn on. I've been dropping in bottom-feeder tablets, and I hope he's been eating them, but I can never really tell.

He's been wiggling around today instead of hiding. His colour has gotten very pale since I last saw him. His dark stripes are faded, and there are lighter spots on them. I'm almost positive this isn't ick, just colouring. His belly is a deep pink. He's not acting very healthy.

Here is the best picture I could snap of him. You can see the fading stripes and pink belly.


Only been keeping fish for about 3 months, and no problems thusfar. I keep a very regular maintenance schedule and change 10% water every week.

And and all advice would be appreciated.

He's now flipping out. Swimming all over the place and spinning rapidly. Looks like he's in a lot of pain. I'm going to put him in a quarantine tank. It might stress him out, but I worry that he's going to work himself back in the filter or just pick up too much speed or something.
I think he's dying :(

Still freaking out. He's got to be in a lot of pain. I've never seen a fish flail around so violently. I'm going to euthanize him with clove oil and vodka.

Thanks anyways, guys. He just got worse and worse so rapidly. I suppose if I had seen more of him, I would have been able to tell. He just hid in the cave... I'm not going to get another nocturnal fish.

At least the euthanasia went smoothly. I'm still very sad, though. It's quite sudden.

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Post by Diana » Sun Feb 14, 2010 7:36 pm

38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

Margi Hull
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Re: Help with Kuhli Loach Diagnosis

Post by Margi Hull » Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:37 pm

Access wrote:Hi all,

I think I've got a sick kuhli loach on my hands. I'm new to keeping kuhlis... I'd appreciate any input/advice you can give me.

I've got a 15 gallon planted aquarium. Temperature is 79 degrees. PH is about 7.2. No ammonia or nitrite. Currently stocked with a female betta, 6 neon tetras, and an otocinclus.

I bought the kuhli loach about 10 days ago. Within a few hours, he had gone into my Aquaclear 20g HOB filter. Couldn't have been there more than 2 hours. I was pretty worried about him, but he didn't seem to have an injuries. I have since wrapped the intake with wire to make the vents even smaller.

I've only seen him twice during the last 10 days. He stays in a decorative cave, and runs back in there when the
flashlights turn on. I've been dropping in bottom-feeder tablets, and I hope he's been eating them, but I can never really tell.

He's been wiggling around today instead of hiding. His colour has gotten very pale since I last saw him. His dark stripes are faded, and there are lighter spots on them. I'm almost positive this isn't ick, just colouring. His belly is a deep pink. He's not acting very healthy.

Here is the best picture I could snap of him. You can see the fading stripes and pink belly.


Only been keeping fish for about 3 months, and no problems thusfar. I keep a very regular maintenance schedule and change 10% water every week.

And and all advice would be appreciated.

He's now flipping out. Swimming all over the place and spinning rapidly. Looks like he's in a lot of pain. I'm going to put him in a quarantine tank. It might stress him out, but I worry that he's going to work himself back in the filter or just pick up too much speed or something.
I think he's dying :(

Still freaking out. He's got to be in a lot of pain. I've never seen a fish flail around so violently. I'm going to euthanize him with clove oil and vodka.

Thanks anyways, guys. He just got worse and worse so rapidly. I suppose if I had seen more of him, I would have been able to tell. He just hid in the cave... I'm not going to get another nocturnal fish.

At least the euthanasia went smoothly. I'm still very sad, though. It's quite sudden.
You must be kidding if you even think anyone is going to study that!
Last edited by Margi Hull on Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help with Kuhli Loach Diagnosis

Post by Thomas » Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:09 am

You have seen that this post is three years old...

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