Clown Loach not feeding?!!

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Clown Loach not feeding?!!

Post by Suzie83 » Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:26 pm


This is my first post so hopefully i will provide all the information you need to help.

I have a clown loach approx 2.5 inches long, I've had him since April and since then I have found out lots of information that I should have researched before I got him. But I am still new to fish keeping.

However I have him currently in a 70 litre tank, at first he was shy but came out to feed at least every second day and seemed happy enough. I tried him on algae wafers and he loved them, heard him clicking for the first time etc. However over the past month he is extremely active, seems to be out all the time and even sleeps at the front of the glass and comes over when my hand is in the tank, which all sounds great except i never see him eating any longer.

I have tried flakes, algae wafers, bloodworms, various frozen foods, different vegetables and most recently sinking pellets that have shrimp in them, but he never touches them. He's in a tank with lots of platy fry and he just appears to watch them eat and not bother too much himself, I've seen in fish stores their clown loaches going in a frenzy to get some food and all have a nice round tummy but not mine.

I do have small snails in my tank and I have not tried to get rid of the problem encase this is his source of food although I've seen him next to a snail and not eat it. So obvious answer is that is his food source.

So here's my problem, as most of you who have read this far probably already past thought on - tank is to small and need more than 1. So I found this out later and as a result have now got a 450 Litre tank which has completed its cycle and ready to move my fish. My worry is what my clown loach will feed on when I move him, I'm so scared that I might make him worse by taking him out of the existing tank.

Can anyone help at all and give advice on this...

Sorry for the long post.


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