not eatng

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not eatng

Post by suebob28 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:25 am

hi my loaches and upside down cat fish are not eating they are just hiding under the logs i have had problems for a few days now throught i might have ich then two cloaches died last night so i have 2 left but they are not eating have tried blood worm which they loved but not my barbs are fine what have i done wrong please sue

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Re: not eatng

Post by DainBramage1991 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:44 am

It's impossible to tell you what you are doing wrong when you don't actually tell us what it is that you are doing.

What specific species of fish are in your tank? How many of each?
What are the water parameters (pH, temperature, ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, etc.)?
What is the tank size? What kind/amount of filtration? Water flow?
How often do you do water changes?
What are you feeding them? How often? Are you removing the uneaten food afterward?
Why do you think they have ich (what are the symptoms)?
What have you tried for remedies?
When the fish respirating quickly or normally?
How did the clown loaches appear when they died (any visible problems such as white granules, slime coat sloughing off, bright red gills, etc.)?

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