eye infection/parsasite??

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eye infection/parsasite??

Post by philcava78 » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:47 pm

I have a question for anyone whom can give me some insight on this issues??!!
I have an 8" Clown loach, actually two of them, both around the same size. One of them got a white haze over it's right eye and so I put it in a qt tank with fungus cure from API. It's gone away but now it's left with something else. It looks like a scab like piece coming out of its eye. Brownish in color. If someone has any idea, i would gladly send over a pic of it, heres my email address if u can help, philcavallini@msn.com. Please help. They have been together for 8 months now in a 220 gal with other fish. Nothing new for the past 4 months. Please help. Many thanks, phil

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Re: eye infection/parsasite??

Post by Diana » Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:08 pm

There are several things that can happen to a fishes' eye.

1) Damage: scrape it on something while playing with the other fish, or injured by the other fish.

2) Parasite.

3) Disease.

Any of these could make the eye cloudy, and there may be other symptoms.

Was the eye swollen?
If the fungus cure cleared up the cloudiness, but now something else is going on, I wonder if it was really the fungus cure that fixed it, or did the eye heal in spite of (not because of) the treatment?

Here is a site that has some possible ideas about what might be going on. I have linked the EYE problems page.

http://www.nationalfishpharm.com/fish_d ... /eyes.html
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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