please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

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please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by timaishu » Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:16 pm

I have an orange pond loach that shares a 10 gallon tank with 4 guppies, 4 glow tetras, 2 ghost shrimp, a cory catfish and a red tail shark. Every seems to get along okay but the redtail shark and loach seem to have trouble sharing food. So I drop two shrimp pellets in near them so they eat separately, other than this, everyone gets along fine.

I have had this loach for a few months and he was doing fine up until a week ago when suddenly, out of the blue he became very lethargic and was laying weirdly in the tank. I thought he had died. I tried to scoop him out and he shot away. I left for for a day to watch and he only got worse until he was just laying on his side not moving. I bought a little mini tank and put him in there to isolate him to make sure he doesnt get the other fish sick. Its been a week in this mini tank and he wont eat, barely moves and lays on his side 80% of the time and sometimes I will find him sitting up right. I also put a bubbler in there to make sure he has plenty of oxygen. I was reading up online and ended up buying seachem kanaplex and its been 4 days since the first dose and no improvement. I notice he looks dead, then I will tap the tank and he will squirm for a moment then start breathing rapidly like I scared him. Overall he seems a tad more pale as well and his gills look more red. Thats the only difference I am noticing. This is him now. :(

Any ideas?


Sarcasm Included
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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by Sarcasm Included » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:58 pm

Late reply but,
You should always post your water parameters when asking about a sick fish, as the most likely problem is high nitrates, leading to internal infection.
The tank is horrendously overstocked and you should decide if you want to purchase a 40+ gallon tank in the near future or find a new home for the shark and loach. Please read up on the loach here, you will notice the length of 9+ inches of adult size. In addition, the red tailed shark won't care to be boxed into the 10 gallon, give him some time and he will murder enough of the fish to figure out that he still doesn't have enough space.
Sorry to be so blunt, but you need to research the fish you have.

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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by Diana » Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:13 pm

The Misgurnis might already have been a victim of the red tailed shark. This is indeed way too small a tank for these fish.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by timaishu » Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:11 am

Yeah my mom kept buying more despite me protesting. I think she finally gets it now that you cant just buy whatever and that the tank is too small for how much she was buying.

But anyways, I I came back to this thread because the dojo seems to have recovered. The last few days he/she has been fully upright and if disturbed would rapidly swim around its holding tank and then ending back up right! Pretty sure he is all better now. No idea what it was but I am glad I didnt give up.

Anyways yes, I recently purchased a new 29 gallon tank and am slowly moving fish over to it. I also bought a api master test kit and am actively monitoring everything now. I was going to get a 40 gallon, but the space I wanted to put it in wasnt going to work out. The 29 is pretty tall too so I think that will help spread everyone out. I plan to get a 40-55 gallon in the near future. This was an intermediate upgrade to get everyone more space.

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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by Sarcasm Included » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:33 pm

I am glad to hear that he is doing better and that you are taking good care of his future. He will reward you with an incredible personality and can be trained to even take food from your hands. You just need to build up trust with him. Keep an eye on the shark, as he reaches 3+ inches in length, he will start looking to set up a territory. The territory is generally foot print size of the 29 gallon and will defend it from similar shaped fish, if it feels crowded it will attack any fish.

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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by timaishu » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:13 am

Yep, as a baby shark he was quite peaceful and got along well with everyone. But he has grown a ton, he is at the 3 inch mark atleast (approaching 3.5 inches I would guess) and is quite big around the middle too. I hope it works out in the larger tank. I really like him and would hate to give him back to the store. But if it needs to be done then it will be done.

As for the dojo, he is doing great! I saw him swimming around the new tank and saw him eat food. So happy he is alright. I was afraid he would never recover.

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Re: please help, orange pond loach is sick :(

Post by Diana » Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:02 pm

The shark will want a home base sort of location. Make an arch out of driftwood, or rocks or something. Have an open area in the front. The shark will get territorial about the visible area in front of his cave, but generally should leave the rest of the tank alone.

The Loach may also want some sort of cave-like hiding place. Some use this sort of thing more than others.
I would set up at least 3 places, then the shark can have his pick, the loach may select another, and there is still another just in case.

When you are moving the fish over to the new tank it is best to move the fish over in the order of
1) Most peaceful or shy first. This gives them a chance to explore the tank and figure out where the safe places are.
2) A little bit pushy.
3) More aggressive or territorial last.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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