hybrid catfish

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hybrid catfish

Post by madhatter28 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:40 pm

Hi everyone I hope someone can help?

I have a hybrid catfish, I don't know what sex it is, I have had it for 5 months now.
I'm told its a synodontis angelicus × decorus however I don't know if that's true!
I noticed tonight it seems to to have a small lump at the bottom where the head ends, if that makes sense, & I'm not sure if its normal?
The fish is eating swimming & benig its self in general.
The water has beem tested & that's fine, its got lots of wood, rock & hide outs with live. It also lives with one other fish a male syno multipuncatatus, they have been living together for the whole time & seem to be happy.

I would love to be able to show someone how ever I'm using a internet mobile & unable to upload a pic so if I could send the pic by email that would be great. You may also be able to ID for me.
I really hope someone could advise me cheers
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