North Carolina fish stores

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North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:06 pm

So I live in a med-small town about an hour from Raleigh, NC and it is a DEAD zone when it comes to fish stores. I used to drive to Raleigh to go to Tropical Fish World, but they closed down a while back. There is a place called The Fish Room also in Raleigh, which is small, seems okay but I have not purchased anything from them.
Does anyone else live around here, and if so, do you know of any decent fish stores? I would even drive a ways if there was a really good store. I have heard of some in Charlotte, but no real recommendation as to whether they were good or bad. I know I can order online but there is nothing so fun as to actually walk around in a good fish store, talk to the people that work there about their stock and private tanks,etc.
I will be visiting my sister in a couple of weeks and am always so jealous when I go there. She lives in southern Indiana across the river from Louisville, KY (my hometown). There are THREE really nice fish stores with wonderful, large stock of both freshwater and saltwater fish, all within an hour of one another. We are going to spend one day just going from store to store!

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Jim Powers
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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by Jim Powers » Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:44 pm

What stores in the Louisville, Ky/ Clarksville, New Albany, IN area are you talking about?
I live a couple hours north and went to a few stores when I was down in Louisville giving my loach presentation in March.
I went to the one in Clarksville by the mall (Greentree?) and one in Louisville( Pet's Palace) but didn't find anything I wanted. Lots of fish in both though.

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:19 pm

Hey Jim,
Green Tree pet center is likely the shop you already know about.
Then there is Sandy's pet shop in Lousiville ( I think off Poplar level road). Pets Palace also has a pretty extensive fish selection. That one is off Goldsmith lane.
There is also a store called Aquatica which is also in Louisville, but I think that is all Saltwater (I have not been to that one yet, but will be checking it out next week!)

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by Jim Powers » Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:50 pm

I've been to Pet's Palace. It was just down the street from the library that the local aquarium club holds their meetings.
I really liked the way they set up their tanks with plants and all, but didn't find anything I was interested in buying (namely hillstream loaches or danios).
They did have lots of nice fish, though.

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:52 pm

I just have a hard time accepting that there is NO ONE around here with a decent fish store. I mean the local fish store in my town has really LOVELY people who own and run it. (I am being sincere when I say that...they want to be helpful and are nice people ). However, they either do not know the details, or really do not care about that. I guess the majority of the people who shop there are not very scientific, or sophisticated (not that I am, but whatever) The last time I was in and asked about the type of cories in a sales tank, the reply was "assorted", when I asked about the type of ciclid in a larger display tank the answer was "I don't know, but I call him 'li'l stripey' "


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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by Jim Powers » Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:36 pm

That can be frustrating. When I was in the Pet Palace in Louisville, I asked the guy at the counter if they ever had any hillstream loaches. He had no idea what I was talking about. :?
The best fish stores I have dealt with take an interest in customer's fish and will try to get specific species.
I had one fish store manager that I dealt with frequently tell me " I never thought I would get interested in loaches". :D

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:34 pm

maybe I should try one more time with the store here in town, to see if I can foster any interest in loaches. After all, this was the store that sold me my first clown loach, Larry (who is getting nice and fat and I think very happy). The person who sold him/her to me told me he would only get a few inches long, a great algae eater, and that the down side was that I would never see the fish, since they are strictly nocturnal.
It would be really nice to have someone in town with some stock and interest in loaches, but it seems a bit hopeless. Wish me luck!

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by starsplitter7 » Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:57 am

Hi there,

Since I lived in Fayetteville and went to uni in Chapel Hill, I drove through Sanford frequently, and I can feel your pain. Have you looked into local fish clubs? I can't imagine there would be on in Sanford, but what about Fayetteville or Raleigh? I have gotten the neatest fish from my fish club. We are ready to have our next auction and last spring I got Garras at the auction. They also had the cutest Dwarf synodontis. :) Adorable. The club is also helpful for locating good stores and trading fish. And fun activities like visiting fish farms and going on native fish collecting trips.

If I was you, and liked unidentified fish at the local mom and pop's, I would ask to take pictures. Then post them here for an ID. Maybe they would let you label the fish once you find out what they are. And maybe they would be more interested in what they have if they found out they could make more money if a Cory is Sterbai instead of a Bronze. I have found wonderful accidents in tanks.

I find unfortunately, that many sell sellers are not hobbiest and so they do not understand why ID is important.

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:16 pm

thanks for the suggestions. I know that there is an aquarium society in Raleigh, but am not sure about anything local, but will check it out.
I will keep you all posted (Also to help any poor shmucks like me in N.C.!!)

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by Ffishter » Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:12 pm

I ran across a website the other day that had a complete list of fish stores in every state. It showed reviews, ratings, contact information and store hours. I cannot remember it right now, but if I do, I will be sure to post back here. In the mean time, I sure hope you find a great store.

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by loachlover77 » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:10 pm

glenna wrote:So I live in a med-small town about an hour from Raleigh, NC and it is a DEAD zone when it comes to fish stores. I used to drive to Raleigh to go to Tropical Fish World, but they closed down a while back. There is a place called The Fish Room also in Raleigh, which is small, seems okay but I have not purchased anything from them.
Does anyone else live around here, and if so, do you know of any decent fish stores? I would even drive a ways if there was a really good store. I have heard of some in Charlotte, but no real recommendation as to whether they were good or bad. I know I can order online but there is nothing so fun as to actually walk around in a good fish store, talk to the people that work there about their stock and private tanks,etc.
I will be visiting my sister in a couple of weeks and am always so jealous when I go there. She lives in southern Indiana across the river from Louisville, KY (my hometown). There are THREE really nice fish stores with wonderful, large stock of both freshwater and saltwater fish, all within an hour of one another. We are going to spend one day just going from store to store!
Are you still looking for fish stores around your area? If so, I know a guy in Raleigh, NC that may be able to help you find a fish store in Raliegh. NC. The guy's name is Randy. He might know of a fish store in Raleigh, NC. Let me know if you are still looking for fish stores in Raleigh, NC and I will get a hold of him for you.

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by glenna » Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:48 pm

Yes, still interested in fish stores in NC/Raleigh area. I actually live about an hour to the West of there, but would drive if I could actually go to fish store. Thanks for any help!

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Re: North Carolina fish stores

Post by loachlover77 » Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:12 pm

glenna wrote:Yes, still interested in fish stores in NC/Raleigh area. I actually live about an hour to the West of there, but would drive if I could actually go to fish store. Thanks for any help!
Okay I will contact Randy and see if there are any fish stores in Raleigh, NC, and I will PM you as soon as I find out. He is a busy guy so it may take a day to get an answer.

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