Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

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Beee Haven
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Re: Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

Post by Beee Haven » Thu May 21, 2015 3:48 am

I went with the fishmox after as that was what I could get hold of quickly antibiotics wise. As making soap is another hobby, I have very sensitive scales so was able to dose accordingly with the size of the tank. Large water change and new dose every day for over a week now and he's definitely perked right up.

The filter that I put into the quarantine tank has some media from the main tank's filter in it - if he's not being medicated or having water changed while I'm away, should I also add some activated carbon pellets to the filter?

Oh, and should I put some substrate back into the quarantine tank? Not being around to do water changes/clean the bottom of the tank daily that is.

I'm slightly limited with the species I can keep in a temperate tank, and have my eyes on a few other fish to go in there, but I didn't want to introduce too many at once. Not going to buy anything again without first researching it's requirements. Though the tank I've been using for quarantine (I do have another smaller tank for future use there) seems to be the perfect size for a betta splendens... heater and plants ordered for that one, but will make sure the tank is cycled/planted well before getting the fish.

Beee Haven
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Re: Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

Post by Beee Haven » Thu May 21, 2015 4:29 am

durrrrr! OF COURSE the antibiotics in the quarantine tank will have killed off any of the beneficial bacteria that was in the filter media....

instead of going away on Friday (tomorrow), we're now going on Monday, probably until the next Monday, so that'll be a week without water changes in an uncycled tank. Are you sure it wouldn't be safer to put him back in the community tank?

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Re: Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

Post by Loachloach » Thu May 21, 2015 5:28 am

I am glad the loach is doing better.
If the tank is uncycled and unattended, do put him back in the community tank. There's no bigger killer/disease trigger than ammonia/nitrites and considering your circumstances, there's not much other choice.

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Re: Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

Post by mikev » Thu May 21, 2015 10:30 am

Beee Haven wrote:durrrrr! OF COURSE the antibiotics in the quarantine tank will have killed off any of the beneficial bacteria that was in the filter media....
If you are sure of the biocycle being dead, move the fish to the main tank. I would not be so sure here, however, amoxicillin is primarily a gram-neg antibiotic while the biofilter is gram-pos, so it should not have much of an effect on "beneficial bacteria". Check the water now : do you see any ammonia/nitrite readings? If yes, move the fish now.
instead of going away on Friday (tomorrow), we're now going on Monday, probably until the next Monday, so that'll be a week without water changes in an uncycled tank. Are you sure it wouldn't be safer to put him back in the community tank?
If the tank is indeed uncycled, definitely move, and do this now so you have three days to observe before you leave.

Beee Haven
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Re: Weather loach missing barbels. Please help!

Post by Beee Haven » Thu May 21, 2015 6:10 pm

He's back in the big tank now. Swimming around and not hiding behind the filter on the top suckers like he was before. Fingers crossed he stays recovered. Will probably keep doing small partial changes in that tank the next few days before going away to make sure everything's as cleaned up as can be. Fingers crossed.

Thank you again for the advice - I'd not have had a clue what to do without it.

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