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New Member, My Status, and Questions!

Post by ClownieMcLoacherson » Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:24 pm

Hey everyone... I have been crawling around reading posts for a few days, great info! I recently set up my 55G that had been in storage for a few years. I used to have it setup with a Frontosa colony that I had to give up because I moved to a place where I couldn't set up the tank. Before them I had several different cichlid tanks.

Okay, so I setup the tank with cichlids in mind... I just have 2 back flows one with a bio wheel. I used African Cichlid Live Sand to set it up, then built caves with slate rock. At that point I decided I wanted to try something different... so after a week or so I bought 5 Clown Loaches. I know, I know, the minimum should be 75G. I will be upgrading eventually! So I did this without any knowledge of Clown's. Then I found and realized I stepped into a whole different world with them. But I love them! So I decided to make some major changes to make the tank FOR THEM!

I recently cut the lights, and bought a 300GPH power head that I put near the bottom of the tank, they seem to love that. But it looked rediculous. So I just finished building a River Tank Manifold that will hold 2 of that same power head. I will be putting that in shortly (gonna be difficult since the sand is already in). After I put that in I will get some presoaked driftwood to hopefully bring the pH down a bit, although they have been in high pH since the arrived at my LFS. Also I will attach some java fern to those. After a few weeks I want to add maybe 2-3 more Clowns and dither fish...

Here is my main question... I have found several posts related but nothing that flat out answered it.

What are good dither fish to go with clowns that will be okay with the high current? And help to get the Clowns out and about.

Also, someone that is brainy might answer this... I used two 3/4" pvc pipes that return the water to the power heads via two sponge intakes (just like the one on will 600gph go through that??? Or did I go over kill with the power heads?

I know I put a lot of crap in this post, hope you can all pick it apart to help me out. Thanks!
Clownie McLoacherson

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Post by tariesindanrie » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:01 pm

Hi Clownie- welcome to LOL :D

Kudos on your recent discoveries and accommodations. It sounds like you're off to a great start.

I'd keep the clown pack at 5 until you can move them to larger quarters, and add some smallish dithers- neon tetras, black neons, false magnificent rasboras, rummynose rasboras...all get along well with clowns and their environment. I'd keep the dither school to 5-7 also, and you could certainly mix and match within the species I've listed. I've kept all together, in perfect harmony, at one time or another. I'm sure some others here will have more suggestions if you're not partial to any of mine! Please don't forget to quarantine any new additions for a minimum of 3 weeks before adding them to your clown tank.

Sorry, can't help you with the powerhead question...but someone here will know, no worries.

Best of luck!
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Post by adamrf1126 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:05 pm

I can definitely recommend keeping various australian rainbows with your loaches. They are extremely beautiful, strong swimmers, and great fish to have. You could also have a nice school in a 55 in my opinion.

Many people also keep various barbs, danios, etc... with their loaches

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Post by Emma Turner » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:22 pm

Hi Clownie, and welcome to LOL. :D

You'll need to remove the 'African Cichlid live sand' from this tank if you are keeping loaches, and replace it with a smooth aquarium safe sand that is inert. The AC live sand contains aragonite which helps to maintain a high pH. Even with plenty of bogwood, you'll never get the pH and hardness to an acceptable level with that sand present.

With regards to suitable dither fish, have look into members of the barb (Puntius sp.) family, Rasbora species, rainbowfish, medium sized tetras etc. Some barbs will not be suitable because of temperature requirements, but there are a huge number of very attractive species which are.

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Post by ClownieMcLoacherson » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:37 pm

Well, now I am torn. I can't just get rid of $60 worth of sand. I don't know what to do now? I just built that rivertank manifold (which cost all of $10) but now I am thinking maybe I should hold off on a loach tank until I have money and a bigger tank. I hate to do it but I just don't have the money to toss $60 worth of sand and buy new.

Sigh... this is just the type of thing that happens when you act before doing research. What to do?
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Post by zmo63 » Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:36 pm

You don't have to get rid of the sand, just store it til you need it for another tank! Or sell it to someone who keeps Cichlids. Pool filter sand is cheap - less than $10 for 50 lbs.

Good luck whatever you decide :)

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Post by ClownieMcLoacherson » Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:42 pm

Since that is live sand do I have to store it with some water? Or since I have already used it should I just store it and let it dry (and how would I do that?)?

Pool filter sand? That a good substrate for loaches? I will have to see where I can get that... then figure out how to get all that sand out of my tank without over stressing the fish or ruining the cycle of my tank. This is quite an undertaking.
Clownie McLoacherson

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Post by loachfan » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:52 pm

You can also use play sand from your local home improvement store. I got a good sized bag (I have used it in a 40 gallon river tank and a 33 gallon community tank and still have sand left) and cost me about $6.00 Cdn.

Good luck!

Mark in Vancouver
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Post by Mark in Vancouver » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:32 am

Welcome, Clownie. Pool filter sand and play sand will both work - although play sand tends to need a lot of washing before putting in the tank. Lots of dust and grit in there. Any of the large home improvement stores should have this stuff. Home Depot will sell it for cheap. Just make sure to rinse it in batches until the water runs clear each time.

Store the cichlid sand dry until you find a use for it or someone to buy/trade it with.
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Gary Stanton
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Post by Gary Stanton » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:28 am

ClownieMcLoacherson wrote:Since that is live sand do I have to store it with some water? Or since I have already used it should I just store it and let it dry (and how would I do that?)?

Pool filter sand? That a good substrate for loaches? I will have to see where I can get that... then figure out how to get all that sand out of my tank without over stressing the fish or ruining the cycle of my tank. This is quite an undertaking.
Get a large container and put the water and fish in it before you change the sand.
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