new pakistani/ yo yos

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new pakistani/ yo yos

Post by ali12345 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:53 pm

I already have 3 of these so jumped at the chance to get 2 more recently(plus a zebra loach to join my sons shoal). When they arrived I put them in my temporary tank with my excess brisltenoses, some guppies and some platies. After a week or so I noticed the guppies were no more - 2 adult females and 3 juveniles. Everyone else is ok. Could the loaches have harassed the guppies? Obviously they are all staying put for now until I can be sure they aren't carrying anything although they were a private rehoming and I am not expecting anything.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:14 pm

How big is your temporary tank?

Yoyos can be really boisterous. How big are they? Did you check the water parameters? Maybe the influx of fish, spiked the ammonia, causing the guppies to perish.

Let us know more about your tank and fish.

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Re: new pakistani/ yo yos

Post by Batch » Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:30 pm

ali12345 wrote:Hi,
I already have 3 of these so jumped at the chance to get 2 more recently(plus a zebra loach to join my sons shoal). When they arrived I put them in my temporary tank with my excess brisltenoses, some guppies and some platies. After a week or so I noticed the guppies were no more - 2 adult females and 3 juveniles. Everyone else is ok. Could the loaches have harassed the guppies? Obviously they are all staying put for now until I can be sure they aren't carrying anything although they were a private rehoming and I am not expecting anything.
I've had yo-yos kill guppies and tetras before. I wouoldn't keep them with anything small that won't fight back.


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Post by piggy4 » Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:17 am

The problem with Yoyo's is there is a possibility that we could be dealing with two different fish B. Almorhae and , or B. Lohachata , possibly three if B.Birdi is part of the group , personally speaking i wouldnt keep them with either Guppies or Tetra's, small to medium Barbs being a far better choice [as in nature] .
A good number of years ago i had what i then called B. Lohachata , i had 2 in a mixed Asian tank , they swam together most of the time !

I currantly have 9 in an 8ft tank , and to be honest i'd say they are pretty anti social with each other , each has its own bit of territory , and a bit of chasing goes on , BUT i wonder if they are different to the 2 fish i had years ago ? these 2 fish kept the y and i pattern on the white body even as 4 or 5 inch fish , wheras this currant group of fish have changed already the pattern has gone from Y and I,s to a variable network like pattern over a base colour varying from grey to coppery bronze , i keep them with other Botia's Dario and Rostrata and Barbs !

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Post by ali12345 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:51 am

The tank is 4ft long so they should have plenty of space - it is well established and water tests showed no spiking in ammonia or nitrite. All other fish are fine, just the guppies perished. They are about 3 inches at the moment but will go in my larger tank with medium to large size fish.

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