FS trio of "proven" schistura savona. Bay Area, CA

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FS trio of "proven" schistura savona. Bay Area, CA

Post by Cup » Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:31 am

1 female 2 males

The female fattens up and thins out every two months or so (pairs up with one of the males, and retreat into caves for about 3 days, though they come out to feed). I have never seen any fry, but the males are always in breeding dress (a very beautiful red color to them) and I am pretty certain eggs are deposited every so often. I would like to continue to work with this group to try and save the fry, but the problem is, they keep on snacking on g. metallicus and a. claro fry, so they have to go.

They are model citizens otherwise and are very mellow in comparison with other species in the genus I have kept.

I am asking 15 bucks for the lot. Depending on how far you have to travel, I can part with the group for free. I just want them properly housed and cared for.

pickup only in the bay area.

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Post by PASoracco » Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:31 am

Hey, I'm in the south bay (san bruno specifically) and would be very interested in the trio. However, I have no experience with any of the schistura family and I am curious if they are right for my set up.

I have a 55g with 3 clowns 3-5", and 2 around 1", 5 yo-yos all around 2-3", 4 pangios, 3 horse face loaches, 1 kubotai, a SAE, a dwarf rubbernose pleco, an albino sailfin pleco, and some hearty tetra dithers (pristellas/gold pristellas, red eyes, silver tips, no long fins to nip). I have lots of live plants, drift wood and hiding places. Half the tank is fine grit smooth gravel, and the other half is sand. I'm running an eheim 2227 wet/dry canister filter through a spray bar with a couple extra power heads just for water movement. Regular water changes, and the temp is kept right around 79-80F. After reading their profile, I think they would fit in, but having raised loaches for a while, I know they can be picky/delicate, and I don't want to take any chances with three perfectly happy fish.

thanks a lot!

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Gary Stanton
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Post by Gary Stanton » Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:59 am

PASoracco wrote:Hey, I'm in the south bay (san bruno specifically) and would be very interested in the trio. However, I have no experience with any of the schistura family and I am curious if they are right for my set up.
They will definitely not fit your setup. Clowns in a 55 won't cut it alone. They need a much larger tank.
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Post by PASoracco » Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:29 pm

Gary Stanton wrote:They will definitely not fit your setup. Clowns in a 55 won't cut it alone. They need a much larger tank.
This i was expecting to hear immediately. I've had these clowns since they were little specks with eyeballs (just like my smaller ones, an LFS sold them when they were literally only a quarter inch long!), and they get a new sized tank when I have the room/money for it. I hope to have a 75/85 within the year, and am doing my best for them in their current environment (tons of flow, filter for a 90g, their favorite substrates, hiding places galore, peaceful/playful tankmates, perfect water conditions). I also was more concerned if the 3 savonas were right for the tankmates/conditions...

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Post by Cup » Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:56 pm

Sorry, I sold them a week ago. Thanks for the interest. All I have left for sale currently are some rare rineloricaria (30-20 bucks for 4), if you're interested.

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Post by PASoracco » Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:22 pm

Cup wrote:Sorry, I sold them a week ago. Thanks for the interest. All I have left for sale currently are some rare rineloricaria (30-20 bucks for 4), if you're interested.
not what i'm looking for at the moment, but thanks

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