Confused about which loaches are compatible

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Confused about which loaches are compatible

Post by Sawyer » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:22 am

I keep hearing different opinions on which loach species are too aggressive to be kept together. So what loaches are generally compatible? Are clowns, zebra (Striata), kuhlis, yoyos, Bengal (Botia dario), Kubs, Botia angelicus, and sids all compatible?

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Post by raecarrow » Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:11 am

Among those loaches, compatability is really defined by the water parameters they thrive in.

As far as compatability of temperments, I don't think there is really an issue among these loaches. The only loaches that I have heard about having a problem with other loaches are the "grrr" loaches such as tigers and skunk loaches.

However, I have never heard of specific incapatibilities mentioned with the loaches you listed,
clowns, zebra (Striata), kuhlis, yoyos, Bengal (Botia dario), Kubs, Botia angelicus, and sids

Although I have heard that sids can be rather boistrous and annoy other loaches and dither fish but I have not seen that in my sids.

If you want to really gage the compatibility of the different species, I would look at the ideal water parameters for each loach and then decide which ones you want for you tank.

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Post by palaeodave » Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:42 pm

Kuhli loaches are the only ones that really stand out on that list to me. They prefer much calmer water than the fast current the other loaches listed there enjoy.
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Post by Diana » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:34 pm

Look at the species lists here at Loaches. When the needs of the fish overlap pretty well then they are possible candidates to share a tank.
If the needs bare come together, then better not to mix the fish.
Look at temperature, water chemistry, tank decor and water movement requirements.

The next thing I would be concerned with is the different sizes. Large fish can eat small fish.

Good to ask about the personality, too. Individual fish may behave more aggressively than the norm for the species, so even if 2 species are generally OK with each other, watch out for that one fish that does not play well with others.
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