How fast do clown loaches grow?

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How fast do clown loaches grow?

Post by Jyynx » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:28 pm

I'm going to have a 200 gallon tank shortly, and I'd like to get some of these guys. I can probably get them around the 2 inch size, and I'm thinking of starting them in a 55 ( I anticipate their tank mates being larger than them when I first get them...) How long can I expect it to take them to get to at least 4 or 5 inches?

Also, any tips on deworming? Is there anything that works better than others? Thanks!

Mark in Vancouver
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Post by Mark in Vancouver » Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:55 pm

I'd say you've got a couple of years before they get to that size. Their growth is gradual, but consistent. Just be prepared to change a lot of water, every week, until you're an old person. If you're prepared for the care involved, they're outstanding fish to keep, and it looks like you've got the right size tank for the job.

My advice (meant to be kind, not cruel), is to weigh your options carefully. Fish that get big don't get small again. It's a hobby for energetic people with ample cash. But it's a rewarding hobby.
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Keith Wolcott
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Post by Keith Wolcott » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:27 am

Your question has motivated me to make some accurate measurements of my clowns.

14 months ago I obtained 4 clowns that ranged from 2.5 to 3.25 inches TL. I just finished taking pictures of the largest of these next to a ruler. It is about exactly 5.25 inches TL. Thus, it grew from at least 3.25 to 5.25 inches in 14 months and possibly more if it was one of the smaller ones. I was not able to get pictures of the others this morning so I don't know how large they are, but they look pretty close to the same size. This growth works out to 1.7 inches per year.

12 months ago I obtained 3 clowns that were 2.0 to 2.25 inches TL. I was able to get good pictures by the ruler of all three of these and they are now 3.75, 4.0, and 4.25 inches.

Putting the two above cases together, if we start with a 2 inch clown, it is possible to get 2 inches of growth the first year and 1.7 inches the second year. Thus a clown can grow from 2 inches to about 5.7 inches in two years.

The conditions for these clowns are:
300 gallon tank with the water turned over 46 times per hour, soft water, 10 ppm nitrate (though I have just changed my routine so that I now have a steady 20 ppm), 80 degrees F, three to four feedings per day of a variety of frozen foods, Martin's homemade frozen food, and a variety of dry foods.

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Post by Vancmann » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:06 am

Keith Wolcott wrote: The conditions for these clowns are:
300 gallon tank with the water turned over 46 times per hour, soft water, 10 ppm nitrate (though I have just changed my routine so that I now have a steady 20 ppm), 80 degrees F, three to four feedings per day of a variety of frozen foods, Martin's homemade frozen food, and a variety of dry foods.
Impressive Keith!!, no wonder they grew so fast!! :lol:

Although Mark's reply is the norm for clown loaches, I am trying to get some growth results like yours Keith. Using only the best live food, and low levels of nitrates and other Dissolved Organic matter.
120 gallon planted aquaponic tank with 10 clown loachs, first one since 1994, 1 modesta and 3 striadas.

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Post by Diana » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:57 pm

I also got 'doubled in size the first year' growth rate after quarantine and treat per Shari's Levamisol article, alternated with antibiotics as for Skinny disease. I just posted this in this thread:

The Loaches started out about an inch+ in length, and in less than 1 year were about 2" long, and still growing.
Tank sizes:
3 gallon for treatment (about 2 months) with LOTS of feeding and water changes.
29 gallon grow out tank (continued lots of feeding, plenty of water changes, 10X water turnover)
Then I moved them to my 125 gallon with 20X (or more) water turn over, and they loved the power head, and would surf the flow quite often. Unfortunately the Bichers grew faster :-(
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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