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Post by Dojosmama » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:40 pm

Setting: Dojomama's favorite LFS, dojo tank

First dojo: "Well, now that we just arrived, what do you all think?"

Second dojo: "Ah, it's okay. They keep their water nice and clean, here. But I sure would like more room ..."

Third dojo: "Yeah, a little crowded in here. Nice sand!"

Fourth dojo: "I heard through the grapevine about this gal -- calls herself Dojomama -- loves us weather loaches and has a great big tank."

Fifth dojo: "Yeah. I heard that, too. And I also heard she feeds nice treats. I'd like to go home with her!"

Fourth dojo: "Keeps the water nice, too!"

Sixth dojo: "LOOK! I think that's her, now! She's headed this way. Quick, guys. Put on your best show!"

Fifth dojo: "Hey! I'm a gal! And I'm the cutest one, here. Surely, I'll get picked!"

Third dojo: "Are you nuts? I'm the most entertaining one! Just look at the acrobatics I can do!" (does a barrel-roll across the tank).

Second dojo: "Yeah? Well, I'm the best at flirting! Just watch me kiss up!" (sits on the substrate and flicks his little whiskers).

First dojo: "Ha! I've got it way over all of you! I have the best coloring and most interesting markings!"

Fourth dojo: "She's right here! Everyone! Give your best shot!"

(All five dojos proceed to whip back and forth around the tank, shooting up and down amid the floating plants, showing off their best profiles in the hood light. Mr. Flirt lays on the sand right in front and tries to look seductive.)

Dojosmama: "Gee! I wish I could take ALL of them. But, I can't overstock my tank. Wouldn't be good for any of them, then."

First dojo: "Take ME! Take ME! I love being spoiled!" (Dojosmama notices his enthusiasm.)

Dojosmama: "That little one looks like he's just begging me to take him home! Well, I guess I have room for a couple more, especially since there are plenty of hidey-holes."

Second dojo: "Hear that? We'll have luxury accommodations! Hey! Take ME, too!" (Whooshes right up to the front of the glass).

The face of Dojosmama lights up. "I know! I'll get me another tank, seed it from my mature one so it'll instantly cycle, and then I can get all five of these cuties!"

Five dojos in unison: "YAAAAAYYYY! We ALL get to go with Dojosmama! Wonder what kinds of treats she serves ..."

Dojomama purchases a new, 70-gallon tank, lid, hood and light, two powerful new filters, smooth round pea gravel for the substrate, and a few live Anubias, mossballs and java ferns. She also gets more Stability to help with the seed gravel from her established tanks. And more Veggie Rounds and O-Nip treats, and some large ornamental wood crags with huge hollowed out holes ... and, of course, all five new dojos!

LFS staffer: "Since you'll be cloning this tank, they should all do just fine. Just test the parameters regularly in the beginning to make sure there aren't any glitches. Oh -- and this tank has been triple-sealed. The chances of it leaking are slim-to-none."

Dojosmama: "Well, if it leaks, I have a spare 20-gallon that is well-established with no dojos currently in it. It will do to house them temporarily, if need be."

LFS staffer: "If it leaks, just bring it back. We'll replace it for you." (Proceeds to bag up the dojos for transport. Pumps plenty of oxygen into the bags and puts a blue "Tank Buddies" tablet in each for smoother traveling.)

And that's how five new dojos got off of Adoption Row and into their very own freshwater ocean! Five little show-offs who knew how to press all the right buttons ....

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Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:49 pm


Post by Jes » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:20 pm

I really enjoyed the way you wrote this introduction to your five, new dojos. I'm sure they're truly happy to have been found by you. Congratulations!

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