plants with my clown?

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chris brown
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plants with my clown?

Post by chris brown » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:00 am

I have just brought some plants for my cl tank. do you think they will last they are:
$5 handful of java moss X1

$4.50 potted hygrophilaX1

$14.50 each potted java fernX3

$4.50 potted sag. SubulataX3

$6.50 each potted amazon swordX3

and some grass plant things i dono wat they are called X2

the clowns loachs sizes are:

1X18cm clown loach, 2X15cm clowns, 4X10cm clowns, 10X5cm clowns,3X15cm yoyos (1 with big belly of eggs),2X chain loaches ,2X striata loach,

chris brown
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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by chris brown » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:09 am

off topic question can i keep 1 rainbow shark 8ish cm with sae? if i can find some
and do flying fox do the same job of cleaning algae as sae or which is better?
in 700l

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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by EmilyMarie85 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:24 am

Regarding the plants, I haven't had the best of luck with clowns and plants - what they don't eat, they dig up. BUT, I am going to try again - this time with java fern on driftwood, jungle val and nana val - I will let you know how that goes...

Not sure about the fish mix, I had an SAE once, it ate the slime coat off my tire track eel and killed it - so the SAE went back to the fish store. I have read they can be aggressive with bottom dwellers... don't know anything about flying foxes though... for algae eaters I like bristlenose plecos and oto cats - peaceful and stay small.

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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by glenna » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:36 pm

I have live plants in with my clowns, but they do punch holes in the leaves sometimes. Mostly I have anubias, java fern on driftwood, an onion, water wisteria. I recently added a gigantic sword plant and they have not bothered it so far. I put large rocks around the roots to keep them from digging it up. Oh, and BTW I have two HUGE SAEs in there with my clowns and angelicus loaches. They all get along well and I find the SAEs to be nonaggressive. In fact, the smallest angelicus will steal food away from the SAEs which are at least 5 times bigger. Of course, they all grew up together since being tiny little babies, so that may make all the difference.

chris brown
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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by chris brown » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:01 pm

thanks for the replies iv been looking for the onion plant in nz but cant find it dose it have a different name?
i have rubber banded the java fern to the drift wood and the loaches haven't even noticed it yet. Most the other plants are held down by a large rock accept the grass plants which i have had to re berry twice now!! they haven't fully dug them up just shifted all the sand from around the pot. i will definitely be getting some anubias next time

as for the sae iv been researching it and they appear to be more aggressive the larger they get so maybe when they are small they might be ok. They have seed rainbow sharks (red tail sharks) and sae a big no no unless you have a large tank so they can get away from the shark but is 700l big enough?. (i already have a rainbow)

i have a bunch of pleco but they don't touch the Black Brush (Beard) Algae and sae is the only fish that will according to this link link
it mite just be a case of trial and era see how they go and if not ill just sell them would be good to get rid of the algae it seems to be taking over the log where i want the java fern and java moss to grow
thanks for the help and i will let you no how they get on
thanks chris

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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by glenna » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:55 pm

The scientific name for onion plants is "crinum thaianum" for the type that I have. THey are really beautiful and the leaves just grow and grow into long green straps. Recently had to trim mine back as they were at least three feet long! Just make sure if you get one to not completely bury the bulb, or it will rot.

I have SAE (crossocheilus siamensis, atrilimes are the two that I have heard one should shop for - I think mine are siamensis, but am not sure, but not the C. reticulatus as it is more feisty as it matures and I think often referred to as the old "Flying fox"). Anyway, they get along FINE with my loaches of varying sizes (clowns, angelicus) with NO problems. They are quite large (about 6") and very peaceful. I do not think they have ever been ravenous for BBA, but do seem to keep it in check. I never believed this until I moved them from a smaller to the bigger tank. After that the smaller tank went NUTS with BBA (SO I guess they were eating it after all!)

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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by glenna » Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:57 pm

oh, I hate to see you lose the plecos.... such lovely fish and useful in their own right (but why does one have to be useful, when so interesting looking!)

chris brown
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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by chris brown » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:40 am

i have searched for both those names in new zealand and can find anything i will send a email to the guy i buy plants from he will no where to get them if they are available here.
as for the fish i have brought 1 flying fox and one algae eater (that's all my lfs had in stock) i don't think the algie eater is actually an algae eater though it doesn't look like any on the net.
they are all behaving fine (touch wood)

as for the pleco i will be keeping them because i am building a 12000L and will need there help :lol:
check out my other posts if you are interested

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Re: plants with my clown?

Post by hedgehogmadhatter » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:23 pm

We have 3 clown loaches and gave up on planting our 55 gallon tank. My husband wants a planted tank but the loaches have gone after every plant we've tried. I'm going to look for the onion plant and try putting rocks on top of the roots as suggested above. Once I found a wonderful water mint plant and the loaches must've had the best fish breath ever because they tore into it. We went to the Atlanta Aquarium and in the rivers section they have clown loaches kept with plants! Of course no one working there was able to explain how they pulled this off.

I think my clown loach is the reincarnation of Machiavelli!

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