Clown Loach in 105 Gallon: What to Do?

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Clown Loach in 105 Gallon: What to Do?

Post by Quasar » Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:34 pm

I currently have a clown loach who is active and healthy, (about 3-4 in. long right now), but he is very lonely, always chasing his reflection. I know they benefit from companions, but I don't know how many I will be able to fit in the tank. I suppose I could give him to someone else, but I am reluctant because I don't quite know how to ensure he will go to someone who will take care of him correctly. I live in Houston, Texas.
The tank currently has in addition to the clown loach 5 silver dollars, 5 giant danios, a Geophagus surinamensis, and two weather loaches (know those shouldn't be in there, but they are large and healthy so I see no reason to get rid of them.) I do weekly 50-60% water changes and feed the fish a mixture of flakes, New Life Spectrum pellets, Hikari algae wafers, vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, peas, carrots, corn seeds, etc.), and frozen foods. The tank is filtered using a powered undergravel and a canister filter, and there is a monthly service that comes to clean those (they're one of those companies that maintains tanks in hospitals and malls).

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Re: Clown Loach in 105 Gallon: What to Do?

Post by Belly-up » Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:23 pm

Sounds like you could afford to add a couple more small-ish clowns. It`s not so much that the fish is lonely but they act different when there are more of them. If you like one clown loach you will love three of four!

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