Clowns w/shrimp?

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Clowns w/shrimp?

Post by JonGuerriero » Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:29 am

Is it safe to add glass or cherry shrimp to a tank with clowns or will the clowns think I've added a live snack to the tank? The biggest of the clowns is about 4 inches. Also, there is a lot of flow in the tank (55 gallons; Fluval 304 canister, AquaClear 50 power head and an Emperor 400 w/bio wheel), can the shrimp handle all the water movement?

The LFS said there "should be no problem", but I wasn't really getting a good feeling from the guy since while I was waiting I saw him putting some of their clown loach shipment into a brackish tank :shock: I told him I thought it was a pretty bad idea, but it went in one ear and out another. I will be back there today and if the clowns are still in that tank I may have to rescue them :D

Also, do the shrimp have any specific water requirements or am I safe to assume that if the water quality is good enough for the clown then I'm all set?


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Post by Lotus » Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:36 pm

I keep clowns and cherry shrimp in a heavily planted tank, with my largest clowns at about 4" or 5". The cherries breed fast enough that there are always quite a few in the tank, but there are lots of plants for the shrimp to hide in. I have a couple of powerheads, and the shrimp don't seem to mind. Shrimp in general are less tolerant of nitrates, and you should aim to keep nitrates less than 10ppm. Ghost shrimp seem to be less tolerant of higher temps (high 70s Farenheit to low 80s F than the cherry shrimp).
So long, and thanks for all the fish.

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