Share your Loach Movies!

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Velvetmaggot » Sun Sep 23, 2018 4:11 pm

loachnoob wrote:
Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:10 pm
Made a thread about this a week ago or so and got no replys, let's try here!

Meant to post this sooner - forgive my breathing and wifes cat in the background :lol:

The dude front and center at the very beginning of the video has always made me question what he really is, I figure he's an odd color morph of yoyos. I've seen a lot of them, but nothing looks like him considering he's only 2". At the 1:25 minute mark - right side- you can see his "brother" that I brought home with him. At the time when I got him, I actually brought home 4 that all looked like "yoyos" but the one in question has always looked different than your stereotypical yoyo. He's been a slow grower, and 2 of the 4 I brought home died in quarantine. So those are the only two I have left.

Also an odd fish you get see in the video is my oddball zebra loach who hasn't grown a fraction of an inch (1") since I brought him home - despite his brother being almost as big as most of the kubotias. The bigger golden zebra doesn't show himself in the video.
Kubotai are beautiful.

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by fossphur » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:51 am

I saw a lot of chasing and circling activity in my yoyo loaches and I almost forgot to grab a camera to record it! I've never seen them do this before, got them as finger sized juveniles in april of last year so I don't think they'd be as old as 2 years yet. Going by the stomach size I have 4 females and 2 males. The females were showing lighter colouring with an almost pearl-like shimmer in stripes along their markings. In my video I have a short bit of footage from 2 days ago when everything was relatively calm, vs the activity of today.

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Basil » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:05 am

fossphur wrote:
Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:51 am
I saw a lot of chasing and circling activity in my yoyo loaches and I almost forgot to grab a camera to record it! I've never seen them do this before, got them as finger sized juveniles in april of last year so I don't think they'd be as old as 2 years yet. Going by the stomach size I have 4 females and 2 males. The females were showing lighter colouring with an almost pearl-like shimmer in stripes along their markings. In my video I have a short bit of footage from 2 days ago when everything was relatively calm, vs the activity of today.
What a gorgeous tank! What size is it? I need to get braver and add a lot more plants to mine.

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by fossphur » Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:08 am

Thank you! Before this, I had a 4 foot tank that wasn't really big enough for yoyo loaches, but at that point they were still growing. And then the middle brace broke! I couldn't fill the tank more than half way without the sides bowing out. I decided that enough was enough, no more second hand tanks, and bought myself this one for Christmas last year. It's the Juwel Rio 450, so 5 feet long, 450lt and much more appropriate for growing loaches. It's the pride of my lounge room and my only proper display tank, I have plants in my other tanks but nothing like this.

I was able to reuse some driftwood and plants from my old tank, the java fern and anubias to the left and there's an anubias on a driftwood to the right. The bushy plant on the far left is a single watersprite that was doing badly until I started daily fertilizer doses. I'm using DIY CO2, but not pressurised, you can see the stacked diffusion jar things on the left. They fill with CO2 and then as it dissolves in the water the water level climbs and I know to add more. It's not much at all for a tank this size but it still makes a difference. The tallest plant on the left is a ludwigia, I have a couple of swords in that back corner but they aren't doing well or haven't really taken off with growth yet. I was able to steal some windelov java fern from another tank to attach to the driftwood and that has grown so well since January, I have a scattering of crypts and hygrophila polysperma. The middle greenery is all hygrophila corymbosa, the tall skinny plant to the right is crypt balansae, the tall thin plant closer to the front is some kind of native aquatic rush that I forgot the name of already, there's a chunk of floating watersprite held together with a loop of airline, then more h. polysperma. On the very far right attached to a stick is a bolbitis fern and some moss, I think I have a moss stick on the left too but I trimmed it recently and you can't see it very well. The drift wood is about 4 or 5 pieces laid next to each other and propped up with rocks so that it looks like one piece and I have 2 PVC pipes tucked in among the rocks and wood for the loaches to hide in if they want. The substrate is just pool filter sand with eco complete and root tabs near the more hungry plants.

I've got too much duckweed and I ran out of fertilizer this week and started to get algae immediately on the plants! There are 7 otos in the tank so at least it keeps them happy. My other fish are sleisbeck exquisite rainbows, false penguin tetras, one porthole rasbora (an accidental import, but he's beautiful and I love him), a bunch of peacock gudgeons and sterbai corys as well as the 6 yoyos. There are also some native shrimp doing well in this tank, somehow not eaten by loaches. I orginally got the yoyos to keep the tetras in line, as a fast moving and visible fish I hoped it would stop the interschool aggression problems I was having and it definitely worked. The yoyos have never been a problem for any other fish, but they keep the tetras on their toes. In turn the rainbows made the tetras more confident, and the big school of tetras and rainbows made the gudgeons more confident and they swim all over the tank now instead of lurking in the bottom half.

It is really one bad week or one forgotten waterchange away from algae disaster I think, and I am hoping to get an extra canister filter as insurance as every single other tank I own I have more than one filter for just in case, but not this one. It's not too hard to maintain though, I want it to grow like a jungle and I've only needed to trim it a couple of times to keep it from being too unruly. I'll probably need to toss some of the floating watersprite soon though, it's huge! This is my first serious planted tank so for most of the plants I picked things that I knew had a reputation for being easy to grow, and that has helped a lot. I'm just using a squirt bottle of all in one fertilizer and clay based root tabs and I don't have to calculate or think about anything.

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Basil » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:05 pm

fossphur wrote:
Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:08 am
Thank you! Before this, I had a 4 foot tank that wasn't really big enough for yoyo loaches, but at that point they were still growing. And then the middle brace broke! I couldn't fill the tank more than half way without the sides bowing out. I decided that enough was enough, no more second hand tanks, and bought myself this one for Christmas last year. It's the Juwel Rio 450, so 5 feet long, 450lt and much more appropriate for growing loaches. It's the pride of my lounge room and my only proper display tank, I have plants in my other tanks but nothing like this.

I was able to reuse some driftwood and plants from my old tank, the java fern and anubias to the left and there's an anubias on a driftwood to the right. The bushy plant on the far left is a single watersprite that was doing badly until I started daily fertilizer doses. I'm using DIY CO2, but not pressurised, you can see the stacked diffusion jar things on the left. They fill with CO2 and then as it dissolves in the water the water level climbs and I know to add more. It's not much at all for a tank this size but it still makes a difference. The tallest plant on the left is a ludwigia, I have a couple of swords in that back corner but they aren't doing well or haven't really taken off with growth yet. I was able to steal some windelov java fern from another tank to attach to the driftwood and that has grown so well since January, I have a scattering of crypts and hygrophila polysperma. The middle greenery is all hygrophila corymbosa, the tall skinny plant to the right is crypt balansae, the tall thin plant closer to the front is some kind of native aquatic rush that I forgot the name of already, there's a chunk of floating watersprite held together with a loop of airline, then more h. polysperma. On the very far right attached to a stick is a bolbitis fern and some moss, I think I have a moss stick on the left too but I trimmed it recently and you can't see it very well. The drift wood is about 4 or 5 pieces laid next to each other and propped up with rocks so that it looks like one piece and I have 2 PVC pipes tucked in among the rocks and wood for the loaches to hide in if they want. The substrate is just pool filter sand with eco complete and root tabs near the more hungry plants.

I've got too much duckweed and I ran out of fertilizer this week and started to get algae immediately on the plants! There are 7 otos in the tank so at least it keeps them happy. My other fish are sleisbeck exquisite rainbows, false penguin tetras, one porthole rasbora (an accidental import, but he's beautiful and I love him), a bunch of peacock gudgeons and sterbai corys as well as the 6 yoyos. There are also some native shrimp doing well in this tank, somehow not eaten by loaches. I orginally got the yoyos to keep the tetras in line, as a fast moving and visible fish I hoped it would stop the interschool aggression problems I was having and it definitely worked. The yoyos have never been a problem for any other fish, but they keep the tetras on their toes. In turn the rainbows made the tetras more confident, and the big school of tetras and rainbows made the gudgeons more confident and they swim all over the tank now instead of lurking in the bottom half.

It is really one bad week or one forgotten waterchange away from algae disaster I think, and I am hoping to get an extra canister filter as insurance as every single other tank I own I have more than one filter for just in case, but not this one. It's not too hard to maintain though, I want it to grow like a jungle and I've only needed to trim it a couple of times to keep it from being too unruly. I'll probably need to toss some of the floating watersprite soon though, it's huge! This is my first serious planted tank so for most of the plants I picked things that I knew had a reputation for being easy to grow, and that has helped a lot. I'm just using a squirt bottle of all in one fertilizer and clay based root tabs and I don't have to calculate or think about anything.
I can tell you really enjoy your aquarium! As it should be!
I just set up a 75g in May and it is also my first planted tank. I have mainly a couple different Amazon swords but plan to add some crypt balansae and some sort of floating plant. I also have some java fern that I can separate from one of my other tank. I use PVC also! Have mine covered with java moss and also have a partial moss wall.
This tank is in my large kitchen so I get to watch it all the time. Just have barbs in ur right now. Waiting for Botia Histrionica to come into stock at my LFS.

Frank Nienhaus
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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Frank Nienhaus » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:10 am

at the weekend I must recreated my tank. After that, the water was very cloudy because I had whirled up the fertilizer balls of clay.
The Botia kubotais then turned up first of all.
Sorry for the quality of the video.

Frank Nienhaus
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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Frank Nienhaus » Sun Dec 16, 2018 5:51 am

Sometimes you have to make your point.
Botia kubotai:

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Basil » Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:24 am

Wonderful Frank! Thank you for posting!

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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by henriklh » Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:52 am

Hi guys!

First post here, hope you like this short clip of Shistura sp. in southern Thailand:

thank you!


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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by jonny21 » Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:33 am

They come out pretty good though Thomas, is that alder cones in the second vidmate.
I used to used them in with Cory eggs as they're supposed to work as an antiseptic.
beautiful fish mate.
I saw a lot of chasing and circling activity in my yo yo leaches and I almost forgot to grab a camera to record it! I've never seen them do this before, got them as finger sized juveniles in April of last year so I don't think they'd be as old as 2 years yet. Going by the stomach size I have 4 females and 2 males. The females were showing lighter coloring with an almost pearl-like shimmer in stripes along their markings. In my video I have a short bit of footage from 2 days ago when everything was relatively calm, vs the activity of today.


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Re: Share your Loach Movies!

Post by Phil0110 » Mon Jul 18, 2022 10:38 pm

Thanks everyone for sharing!

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