Botia striata in large groups

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Botia striata in large groups

Post by noki » Sun Oct 09, 2011 12:38 am

Anybody keep Botia striata in a group of 10+...?

As interesting as others? I've always assumed they were rather meek but they are still cute. Do they change much in pattern as they mature? From pics, it seems like larger ones still keep the attractive pattern, some maybe more attractive? Or do they tend to get more drab as adults as some Botia types do?

I can get 15 Striata now. I initially wanted a group of some dark Botia kubotai but I can't find decent fish in numbers... I even doubt what the species is with the fish for sale. I know the fish are variable. Even the little Yo-yos for sale don't seem the same anymore.

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Re: Botia striata in large groups

Post by piggy4 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:38 am

Hi noki , I have a group of about 15 ? [I've forgoten the exact amount] they are a pretty hardy little fish ! in my experience they seem to get a little darker as they age but in a nice way :) they seem to interact all the time , mine are in a 48x18x18 tank with plenty of wood and tubes over a sand base the tank is filtered with a fluval 4 external and a fluval 4 internal , their tank mates consist of some Synodontis Koensis and large group of puntius Foerschi, oh and a surviving Schistura sp left over from a group of four :) .

I noticed earlier this year that the females fattened up quite nicely , but a fair bit of chasing by the males caused a fair bit of damage , one of the females ended up quite battered , all her back was white as though shes had the skin peeled off :shock: but she made a full recovery , all the fish in the tank are quite slim [male like ] now , I'll be interested to see what happens in spring to see if the females fatten up again :?: I haven't noticed any babies though !

In my experience they seem to be a very slow growing fish , but I suspect they are also a very long lived fish too :!: Mark [mad duff] has a big group of these also , over 20 fish if memory serves me right !

Emma shown a pic of an absolute stunner , I think it was her dads ? you'd probably find the pic on here LOL species list !

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Re: Botia striata in large groups

Post by kimura » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:09 pm

I have 10-12 I think in a 40 gallon breeder tank with a few rummy nose tetras and they are doing fine. The tank probably isnt big enough for them to
"school" but for a time I had them in a more aggressive loach 8 foot tank and they would travel around in a nice pack for protection. I've never had much
aggression from any of them. I had some pandas with them for awhile which they ignored but they did love to nip another loach i had with them. He
looked very similar to a dojo but he definately wanst(sorry forgot his proper name). He's in with the panda's now. Beautiful fish with cool personalities but
the do have a pretty uniform look. You might notice some pattern change as they get older but nothing like the variations and changes you can get from
Kubatais(my second favorite loach behind histironicas)

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Re: Botia striata in large groups

Post by starsplitter7 » Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:13 pm

I just consolidated three groups of striata (various stage of quarantine) and have 8 in one tank, and they are great. I have mature ones and young ones, and the young ones bring out the frisky in the older ones. The older ones have really nice coloration and look almost exactly like they did as younger loaches 3 years ago.

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Re: Botia striata in large groups

Post by ClownLoachSharky » Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:12 am

I wish I could get those
You wouldnt have that problem with a V8

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