Will my clown loach grow?

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Will my clown loach grow?

Post by ageewax » Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:57 pm

Hi all,

In the summer of 2008, I was sold a very cute, tiny clown loach for my 10 gallon tank. Now, of course, I realize how terrible this was! Then in the fall of 2009, I went away to Ecuador for a year and gave my mother instructions on how to care for my lone fish (all of his tankmates had died at this point). Well, she didn't enjoy cleaning. I got home a year later to find that she had unplugged the heater to prevent water evaporation (this means that my poor fish had spent a Pennsylvania winter with no heater in a room that also had no heat at the time because I was gone). She also had unplugged the filter. She had not cleaned the tank since I had been gone. I got home and the water looked like a solid green mass. I cleaned it all out, waited a day or two, and my fish started to come out to say hello again. I felt terrible, but he was alive.

This fish has made two long distance moves with me - from PA to NC and from NC to DC. I finally saved up for a larger tank. Not large enough, but better than the 10 gallon. He's my oldest fish now, at 5 years old. He is now in a 55 gallon with three other loaches. One is only a year old and is already bigger than my original fish! My original fish is about 2 inches long. I know that his first few years of being in a 10 gallon and in that horrible environment stunted his growth. My question is this: will he ever grow again? He eats a lot and has a big belly after he eats, but he hasn't had a growth spurt since we put him in the larger tank (he grew about a half of an inch).


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