Keeping dojos happy

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Keeping dojos happy

Post by Dojosmama » Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:26 pm

It's really quite simple to keep dojos happy. All they need are:

1. A well-balanced diet of awesome food

2. Clean, well-filtered water in a tank that's regularly maintained with a temperature no warmer than 75F, maximum.

3. A tight-fitting lid so they can't escape.

4. A soft substrate of either sand or small rounded pea gravel

5. Plenty of places to hide and rest.

6. A peaceful community with other dojos.

While a larger tank is best, if these conditions are provided, they can be happy in a tank as small as 20 gallons, containing no more than 2 or 3 dojos while they're smaller. As they grow, they should be rehomed into a 55 gallon tank or larger. The bigger the tank, the more dojos can thrive in it. I have five in my 65.

Keeping dojos happy is fun and rewarding. And -- we all know that spoiling dojos is a sacred duty. This is why we have dojos -- so we can spoil them rotten and enjoy the show. Just ask anyone who has them and loves them!

Hopefully, this little primer, which my dojos have dictated to me, will benefit weather loaches everywhere ...

-- Dojosmama

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