Virtual tank design 2

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Virtual tank design 2

Post by mikev » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:49 pm

Since this worked for Shari, maybe I can ask the same question?

The current situation is a small mess, and it is threatening to become big mess if any more fish is added. The issue is not so much downsizing, but a rational reshuffle of the fish.

Here is a the current situation on the hillstream front (4 tanks, 29g and 10g two each):

29-2> 4 Beaufortia, *
1 Vanmanenia,
1 H.Hoffmani, *
2 BN's (albino, hopefully a pair),
2 Striped kuhlis**
4 Blackline Rasboras**
6 WCMM's

29-3> 3 S.Poculi (peaceful 2" schistura) ** ***
6 D.Choprae ***
6 D.Hikari ***

10-1> 4 Vanmanenia
6 Hara
(No dither)

10-2> 12 Gastros (3 species)
1 WCMM's

(some strangeness has to do with dieouts of new fish, for example, I lost 3 WCMM's in the Gastro tank within days, while the store lost about 95% of theirs. Whatever it was, it did not spread to Gastros, but I was afraid to move it to the rest of WCMM's until after a 2mo quarantine. Right now, moves should be reasonably safe.)

* aggressive toward other species
** more of this species in other tanks.
*** likely incompatible with any breeding ideas.

The question is what would be the most rational reshuffle in the current situation as to allow for 3-4 more species (likely Chenis, another Sucker-type loach, another lizard-type loach, and another small Schistura or Zipper) and for a few additions in the existing species (I have only one G.ocelattus and should get him some company) . I fear that the solution may require one more 29g tank. The preference is not to get rid of anyone, albeit I may have to expel some fish to the botia tanks.

What would you do?

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