wow no loachs but ton of mollys

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wow no loachs but ton of mollys

Post by smudgeman » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:44 pm

I literally have 50+ mollies in my fry tank now.
I havent purchased any more loaches since my bout with ich.
I will soon but wanted to first get my heating situtation better (1 heater in a 55gal) which is not big enough for cold nights as the house isnt kept "hot" so I want to add another heater now before I add loaches even though it is getting warmer out.

But I just did a watcher change yesterday and come down today to find a ton of fry in the tank. It has only been a month since the last batch of fry
they are dalmation mollies.

Really need to work on getting the loaches soon I think since I will soon be over crowded if I cannot sell all of these mollies.......
I really dont want more than 2 anyway..... would like variety in the tank.
They all survive though because theres no many fish in the tank.
I also switched it to sand about a month or 2 ago.
Pleco loves throwing sand around and its ending up in the powerfilter....... even with shortening the intake. I even cut some foam to use as a prefilter but some gets past.

I want a canister filter sometime.

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Post by soul-hugger » Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:38 pm

Hi, Smudgeman,

Mollies are definitely more prolific than Loaches. Although I don't keep Mollies myself, I have a good friend who does, and he keeps Dalmatian Mollies as well as other types. There are usually more Dalmatian fry than any others. It seems that at least once a month, sometimes more, there are fry. He even gets "filter fry" in the canister filter. We can tell when there are fry in there because the cat will go and sit in front of the filter for hours, endlessly watching. So, we have to take it apart, one layer at a time, to get at the fish at the bottom. I guess it's the safest place for them with all the adult Mollies, and a Shrimp we call Shrimpzilla. She is an adult Ghost Shrimp at least 3 inches long, a freak of nature! I think she's the one who gets most of the ones who don't survive to adulthood.

As far as selling the Mollies, you could advertise at your local Aquarium Society website, or bring them to the Auction. Our Society has auctions once a month, and Livebearers are popular there.

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