new nano tank!

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new nano tank!

Post by glenna » Wed May 12, 2010 12:44 pm

MY sister got me a 12 gallon nano-cube for my birthday!!!
Excited to have a new project (as if I ever really get "done" with the others :D

Anyway, I would like to do a shrimp tank and was also going to add some other small fish.
trying to decide if a few Ender livebearers would be better than a betta pain.
any thoughts?
I am also wanting to maybe add a couple of kuhlis if they would not be too much!
will they eat the shrimp?
3 shrimp, 2 betta and 2 kuhli does not seem like too many fish as they all stay small, but I may be underestimating bioload.
also, my plan is for it to be a planted tank, fluorite substrate and naturla driftwood for hiding out.
what do you all think?
does anybody have any better ideas (since I am not the most creative person around!)

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Post by starsplitter7 » Thu May 13, 2010 12:09 am

Hi there,

I used to drive through Sanford on my way from Fayetteville to Chapel Hill for school. The neon blue funeral parlor will be forever seared into my mind. That was in Sanford, wasn't it? :)

With Betta, you said two, are you thinking a boy and a girl? Sometimes they do not get along. I would do the shrimp -- maybe some nice cherries and the endlers. I would wait on the Kuhlies til you have a bigger tank. They like space and they like as many as possible for friends.

Or maybe Galaxy rasboras (what is their new name -- that one stuck in my head?) Celestial Pearl Danio, that's it. They stay small and if you have the right conditions, you might even get them to breed. :)

I have guppies and many shrimp together with on major problems. Both breed in good numbers.

Post pictures when you have it done. Tanja.

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Post by glenna » Thu May 13, 2010 6:28 pm

yes, the neon blue funeral home is here (it is Willis funeral home and believe it or not, they have a matching one in Pittsboro!). You have to admit, it is a HAPPY sort of blue!!!

thanks for the input! I LOVE those little Kuhlis and may just put some in one of my bigger tanks. Do you think they would be okay in my 29 gallon planted tank? There is an albino BN pleco, 9 raspora )( 5 het and 4 brillliant) and two baby SAEs in that tank.

I had not thought of the celestial pearl danios and will look into them. I do like the idea of babies in the tank, but do not want to be overrun!

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Post by Katy » Thu May 13, 2010 6:33 pm

We have CPDs in our kuhli tank, and they are great!

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Post by glenna » Fri May 14, 2010 9:13 pm

I am going to get some kuhlis for the 75 gallon angel tank. My only worry is that I have six peppered corys in that tank already (plus three rubber lipped plecos) and they are big and fat.
Do you think I should grow the kuhlis up a bit in a smaller tank so that the corys do not hog all their food, or even try to eat them?
...or do you think they are feisty enough to hold thier own. I have never had a kuhli, only admired them in others tanks on this site!

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Post by starsplitter7 » Fri May 14, 2010 11:10 pm

I have hordes of Kuhlies, Cories and a couple BN Pleco together in a tank; they are really well matched. I have no problems with any of them. They will share shrimp pellets and algae wafers. And share shelters.

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