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Post by starsplitter7 » Sun May 30, 2010 8:18 am


I think I have leaches in my tank and I am wondering if this is a problem. They live in the sediment and under rocks. They are 1/4" to 2" long. Yech! I have never seen one on my fish ,and they have never bothered me. I only see them when I am cleaning water/sifting the gravel in the tank. I have BN, Skunk loaches and gold tetras in the tank (These fish have been together over a year, and it is a very stable tank -- I don't lose fish in this tank). I assume they came in on plants. If I had cories in the tank, I bet there would be no leaches. I dropped a couple in for my tiretrack in another tank, and she ignored them. Augh! So I have them in two tanks without Cories. I prefer not to remove them, if they are not causing an issue. I'll try to post pictures later.

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Post by Diana » Sun May 30, 2010 2:58 pm

I sure would not want them in my tanks!
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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Post by starsplitter7 » Sun May 30, 2010 9:36 pm

I wouldn't say I want them in my tanks. Give me the creeps. However, there's a bunch, and I have no idea how to get rid of them without closing down the tank. Plus, I try not to kill things for the sake of killing them, if they are not a danger to my health or the health of the fish. It wouldn't both me so much if I had fish who would eat them. Then their demise wouldn't be a waste, and I wouldn't need to dispatch them. I also don't know if they are leaches. I have never seen a leach in real life. (Thank goodness!)

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Jim Powers
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Post by Jim Powers » Sun May 30, 2010 11:28 pm

Do you have any turtles or know someone who does? They would make great turtle food.
Up this way and parts north, they are a good fishing bait for smallmouth bass and walleye.

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Post by andyroo » Mon May 31, 2010 9:04 pm

there are heaps of different leach species and each eats something different, though most are predators or detritivores to one extent or another. You might be able to lure them to a bit of meat on a string. Are they eating fishfood?
I'm a little surprised the fish aren't eating them or at least pestering them, though they may be a little big.
I reckon that once the skunks figure out that they're edible they'll disappear over a weekend.
Post a couple of photos. Leaches are pretty creepy, but they're also quite graceful cool and groovy.
"I can eat 50 eggs !"

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