Cobitis striata Profile*x

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Martin Thoene
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Cobitis striata Profile*x

Post by Martin Thoene » Sun Oct 22, 2006 11:27 pm

*work in progress*

Scientific name: Cobitis striata (Ikeda, 1936 )

Common name: Striped Loach

Synonyms: Cobitis taenia striata

Distribution: Japan and Korea

Sexual Dimorphism: Not known

Maximum size: 4 inches (10cm)

Similar to: Other Cobitis

Care: Found on pebbly bottom of slow-flowing shallow streams. The aquarium should aim to match these conditions with good filtration and some flow. A large sandy area should be provided for digging purposes. Subdued lighting.

Feeding: Will eat most proprietry aquarium foods, supplemented live and frozen foods.

Water parameters: pH: 7.0 - 7.7 Hardness: Medium Max dh: 12

Temperature: 64.4- 72ºF (18-22 °C)

Breeding: Not known to have bred in aquaria

Notes: Cobitis striata adapts very well to a well-aerated aquarium. In addition to scavenging, it will pick at algae growing on rocks. It prefers a fine, sand substrate.

Cobitis striata was once thought to be a sub-species of Cobitis taenia, but DNA analysis has proven no direct connection. Within Korea and Japan, the species forms a complex which includes many localized sub-species with their own specific characteristics.

Caption: Cobitis striata in "Raising Korean Fish'
Credit: Won-Kyu Lee (Used with permission)

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