Some specific questions about treating Ich

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Some specific questions about treating Ich

Post by clockstuck3am » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:06 pm

It seems that my tank has ich. I noticed last night that one of my yoyos was flashing, and then I noticed a few white spots on my neon tetras. This morning there was one spot on one of my platies and the tetras have about 4 spots each on their fins.

I have some Rid•Ich that worked quite successfully before I got the yoyos, but now that I have them, I am worried. I have read some say to use it at full strength (and the bottle says this), others say at half and still others say to do half strength every 12 hours. Does anyone have any personal experience with any of these methods with Rid•Ich?

I have bumped up the temp slightly and turned on the bubble wand, but I cannot do a water change until my husband gets home in 3 hours, because honestly, I dont have the strength to use a bucket to fill the tank back up without losing half of the water on the carpet.

Also, one of my loaches (its what first alerted me to his flashing) is bloated and his gills and mouth are moving quickly. I tried feeding him peas, thinking he was constipated, but my mollies, platies and tetras devour the peas before he even finds them. He seems to be eating fine, but has to rest fairly often.
Will treating the tank make him more ill? Should I try to quarantine him?

I am new to loaches and would greatly appreciate some advice. Thanks so much:)

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Post by Marcos Mataratzis » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:11 am

Hello clockstuck3am,

I sugest you Start by readind this:

Loaches are very sensive to Ich medication. I recomend do half dose (or even 1/3).

If you allow me to make a coment, I would also advise you not to have Platies and Mollies on same tank as Tetras as their need in water parameters are diferent. Platies and Mollies likes alcaline water while most Tetras prefer slightly acid to acid water.
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Post by clockstuck3am » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:07 am


Im careful about the pH. I keep it between 7 and 7.5 always. That way it is a nice level for everyone (hopefully) :) I really only have the tetras because a friend had them in a 2 gallon and didnt want them anymore, so I took them in. It was that, or let them stay in a dirty little aquarium:(

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