Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

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Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by el_miguel_ » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:04 am

I have question regarding the filtration capacity required for a reticulated hillstream loach (i.e., at least 10x).

How was this number determined? Are there studies? Is it based on mapping the average flow rate of their original habitats? Is it based on a more nuanced picture of their water preferences (c.f., what we know about trout)?

More importantly, handwaving at how we know, why is it necessary? Is it for wellbeing purposes (i.e., they just really like that level of flow)?

The reasons I ask is I am also an avid flyfhisherman and know that while one might assume that trout prefer fast flowing water (because that is where they are often seen and caught) that they actually only prefer (based on scientific studies) water that moves one foot per second which is considerably slower than the average flow for the rivers they reside in. The reason trout hang out in fast flowing rapids is because its the best way for them to get rapid food delivery but if they arent feeding they arent hanging out in that type of water. So do we know that loaches like it all the time. I also ask because if it is a wellbeing thing then the function underlying the 10x gph rule can be accomplished with a separate powerhead placed in the tank that doesn’t really do any filtering.

Or does the 10x gph rule serve a different function? Does it ensure adequate water quality? Which would mean that if I have a filter that reaches only 8 or 9x gph then I could make up for it with more water changes and that a powerhead wouldn’t solve the problem.

Does it serve to increase oxygenation? If so, this can be accomplished by including an airstone for increased surface agitation, also this means that one could actually still have a wildly inadequate tank even if they have a large enough filter, having been mislead by the lack of clarity over the true purpose of the 10x gph rule. For example, with a bigger filter you can fit slightly more fish but fish take up oxygen and that would mean you just "ate up" the benefits of the added flow (but if its about flow rate for wellbeing, adding more fish wont make a difference, in this respect, because fish cant "use up" flow rate).

In sum, my question boils down to: What function does 10x gph actually serve and also, do we know scientifically, that loaches actually like being in this fast of water ALL of the time or are we just guessing based on their habitat without considering nuance?

I am interested in any and all perspectives!


p.s., the examples/scenarios I give are to illustrate why I am curious about them so please dont perseverate on the minutiae of them, its more about the broad idea of understanding the reason behind the rule because it has different implications.

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Re: Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by tonyadams » Wed May 03, 2023 12:06 am

The 10x filtration rule for hillstream loaches is based on the need for high water flow rates to simulate their natural environment and ensure optimal health and well-being. While it is not a hard and fast rule, io games it provides a guideline for maintaining the conditions that hillstream loaches need to thrive in captivity.

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Re: Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by reiteratecocoa » Sun Nov 26, 2023 8:40 pm

The 10x filtration rule for hill loaches is predicated on the requirement for elevated water flow rates in order to replicate their ecological milieu and guarantee their utmost welfare mario games. Although not an absolute rule,it does offer recommendations for ensuring that captivity-grown hill loaches have the proper conditions to flourish.

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Re: Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by herrylauu » Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:17 pm

Reticulated hillstream loaches are typically found in streams with strong currents in their native habitats. These environments are characterized by well-oxygenated water and a substrate with smooth rocks and pebbles. Recreating these conditions in the aquarium is essential for the health and happiness of these fish. A Small World Cup

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Re: Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by findnocturnal » Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:21 pm

Reticulated hillstream loaches (e.g.,geometry dash Sewellia lineolata) are native to fast-flowing streams and rivers in Southeast Asia. These habitats have high water movement, which is essential for providing oxygen-rich water and preventing sediment buildup.

Bas Pels
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Re: Looking for a more detailed explanation of the flow rate reqs for reticulated hillstream loach

Post by Bas Pels » Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:22 am

Not only ius the water very fast, it is also very clean. That is, there will not be much bacteria in it. In our tanks the same water will meet the fish not once, but hundred times -each time getting a bit dirtier. These loaches will therefore require very frequent waterchanges. too. And a tank as free as possible from anything that can rot, eg no wood, no dead leaves and so on.

Personally, I don't like tank that sterile.

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