Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
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Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
The issue:
Last week, I noticed there are some white patches on the sides of my reticulated hillstream loach(female) in the display tank. There are a total of 4 white patches: 2 left + 2 right, all located on where her pectoral fins meet her body. The picture is taken from the right side where the largest patch is. These patches are not very easily identifiable, they are not fuzzy or hairy so I'm hesitant to say it is related to fungus. I observed the patch for 3-4 days and there was not developments.
However, since I was unable to identify the issue and worried it might infect other fish, I rehomed her to a 10 gallon bare bottom hospital tank with some fake decors. Here is a picture in the hospital tank:
Display Tank Setup:
I got my reticulated hillstream loach 4 months ago from a LFS and it has been in the 75 gallon with 1 anglefish, 10 cardinal tetra, 5 peppered cory, 6 glowlight tetra. It seems to be healthy and happy, scrapping the algae on the acrylic tank and on the stones(mostly seiryu stones).
The tank is cycled with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate, 7.8 PH, KH 9 dKH, GH 5 dKH, temperature 76-78 F.
The plants are 3 amazon swords, 5 anubias, 8 java ferns.
Substrates are mostly fine sand in the foreground(50%), and slightly coarse sand(0.5-2.0 mm grain-size)
Filtration: FX4. (with 75% of full capacity)
Water change: weekly 20% water change. The bioload is very low for now(Nitrate below 10).
Other observations:
Eating: I never seem her eating the food I put into the 75 gallon tank: Hikari algae wafer, repashy green gel, frozen blood worms, Xtreme bottom wafers, Xtreme nano sinking pellet and other food sinks to the bottom. 99% of time I see her is grazing on the wall/stones.
Growth: I hear hillstream loach is a slow grower. I do not observe significant growth in the past 4 months. She came in around 2 inches, now she's maybe 2.1-2.2 inches. Too hard to tell since I didn't get the exact measurement when I fist got her.
Activity level: I'd say not too active not too shy. She spends most of the time on different rocks. When the lights are out or no one is observing her in the fish room, she tends to hang on the wall grazing algae. The activity level does not change after I notice the white patch issue. She ignores tankmates most of the time but will chase away pepper corys when they get too close.
Other tank mates: All others are doing good, responding to food actively and no signs of stress/disease.
Should I worried about the white patch on my hillstream loach? I'd be super grateful if anyone has a clue on what might be. Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated!
Last week, I noticed there are some white patches on the sides of my reticulated hillstream loach(female) in the display tank. There are a total of 4 white patches: 2 left + 2 right, all located on where her pectoral fins meet her body. The picture is taken from the right side where the largest patch is. These patches are not very easily identifiable, they are not fuzzy or hairy so I'm hesitant to say it is related to fungus. I observed the patch for 3-4 days and there was not developments.
However, since I was unable to identify the issue and worried it might infect other fish, I rehomed her to a 10 gallon bare bottom hospital tank with some fake decors. Here is a picture in the hospital tank:
Display Tank Setup:
I got my reticulated hillstream loach 4 months ago from a LFS and it has been in the 75 gallon with 1 anglefish, 10 cardinal tetra, 5 peppered cory, 6 glowlight tetra. It seems to be healthy and happy, scrapping the algae on the acrylic tank and on the stones(mostly seiryu stones).
The tank is cycled with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate, 7.8 PH, KH 9 dKH, GH 5 dKH, temperature 76-78 F.
The plants are 3 amazon swords, 5 anubias, 8 java ferns.
Substrates are mostly fine sand in the foreground(50%), and slightly coarse sand(0.5-2.0 mm grain-size)
Filtration: FX4. (with 75% of full capacity)
Water change: weekly 20% water change. The bioload is very low for now(Nitrate below 10).
Other observations:
Eating: I never seem her eating the food I put into the 75 gallon tank: Hikari algae wafer, repashy green gel, frozen blood worms, Xtreme bottom wafers, Xtreme nano sinking pellet and other food sinks to the bottom. 99% of time I see her is grazing on the wall/stones.
Growth: I hear hillstream loach is a slow grower. I do not observe significant growth in the past 4 months. She came in around 2 inches, now she's maybe 2.1-2.2 inches. Too hard to tell since I didn't get the exact measurement when I fist got her.
Activity level: I'd say not too active not too shy. She spends most of the time on different rocks. When the lights are out or no one is observing her in the fish room, she tends to hang on the wall grazing algae. The activity level does not change after I notice the white patch issue. She ignores tankmates most of the time but will chase away pepper corys when they get too close.
Other tank mates: All others are doing good, responding to food actively and no signs of stress/disease.
Should I worried about the white patch on my hillstream loach? I'd be super grateful if anyone has a clue on what might be. Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated!
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
Since you’ve observed that she primarily grazes on algae, ensure she has access to a variety of foods. You might try offering blanched vegetables (like zucchini or spinach) alongside the algae wafers to encourage her to eat more. mapquest
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
You should look into common hillstream loach diseases and compare symptoms. If the patches worsen or other Block Blast symptoms appear, consult a fish veterinarian or experienced aquarist for diagnosis and treatment.
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
It sounds like you're doing everything right so far! If you're unsure or the condition doesn't improve, it might be a good idea to consult a professional for further guidance. Don’t hesitate to reach out to an aquatic vet or fish care expert for more tailored advice. Keep us updated on how your loach is doing!
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
It’s good that you moved her to a hospital tank for observation! White patches near the fins could be a mild injury or stress-related, especially if there’s no fuzziness (likely ruling out fungus). Monitor for changes, and maybe try adding a bit of aquarium salt to support healing. If it doesn’t improve, a mild antibacterial might help. Accessible Spaces: Universal & Barrier-Free Design
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
Research common diseases that affect hillstream loaches and familiarize yourself with their symptoms. If the patches worsen or additional symptoms develop, seek advice from a fish veterinarian or an experienced aquarist for proper diagnosis and treatment. ... e-concrete ... e-concrete
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
The white patches could be due to minor scrapes, a mild bacterial issue, or stress/nutrition problems. Keep the hospital tank clean with daily 10-20% water changes. If it doesn’t improve, try a mild antibacterial like API Melafix or Seachem Kanaplex. Ensure the loach gets varied food for proper nutrition. ... arn-floors
Re: Reticulated Hillstream Loach White Patch
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