Death by Itch. UV or Meds?

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Death by Itch. UV or Meds?

Post by sirloachalot » Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:29 pm

No doubt youve read this all too sad tale b4 However up front can I say that the sticky above "Dealing with Ich" whilst very informative needs some additions.
As a noob having read the post , I found myself asking questions.

Firstly the two links mentioned in the posts are no longer working :(

While the Ich itself is explained the post doesn't explain what happens to the fish. For example are they simply hosts that recover once the parasite has gone, does the parasite truly completely fall off, What does it leave behind? Does secondary infection kill the fish off or is it the parasite itself? Is it because eventually rather than just one spot, which the fish may shrug off and get over, the fish becomes inundated with new outbreaks.

Does Ich have any effect on humans? In the process of doing my "ohh nooo not Ich" 50% water change my hand and arm invariably comes into contact with the water. Yes it is mentioned not to allow the medicated water to touch you but what about the Ich itself.

It would be truly helpful if some of these could be answered and added to the sticky.

Now onto my sad tale. From euphoria to belly up in 24hours.
Two months gone (past cycle) one could say that the tank is still new and I along with it. I noticed on Saturday one of the Java loachs had a whiter nostril than normal. Being a noob and the pangios being shy creatures it was hard to get a good look. But by monday it was all too clear. Despite all my attempts and procedures, Ich had wormed its way into my tank. The java was dead, and I now spotted ich on a tetra as well as on another pangio.

So now I am at a cross roads. Last night I did a large water change, vaccd what gravel I could get too, not easy as its mediumly planted and upped the temperature. Catching the infected would cause more trouble and stress than its worth so quarantine is a no go. Water condition pre change was fine btw.
Im off, after work today, to get some meds, if its not already too late. But I wonder at the UV solution. They are not cheap but considering the set up cost so far and Im already broke, whats another $100 or so. Im suprised LFS dont hire them.
I recall once having used meds in the days of my small tank and everything ended up dying anyway :(

Are my fish doomed! The minutes tick by, every hour now allows the Ich to take hold and spread.
Will UV really save the day? Meds and 50% water change on a 420L tank 4 times over with lots of surfaces for the ich to stick too is not exactly appealing. Is a UV something I can keep up my sleeve as a tool to fix other problems and even other tanks. I have friends with fish maybe its worth getting one between us.

To Uv or to med that is the question. :?:

Mind you after further reading on UVs bulbs dont last long and $100 is the entry level. Decent ones seem much more expensive? Looking at post canister types.

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Post by Illsavemyself » Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:26 pm

Check this link out here

it is the best ich treatment information I have found online.

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