Spinning Clown Loach

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Spinning Clown Loach

Post by starsplitter7 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:30 pm

I just acquired a beautiful 3" Clown Loach. I knew he was ill when I brought him home, and he is in quarantine now with plants and a PVC pipe. I am thinking this may be hospice for him. Keep him warm, well fed and comfortable. If he survives the next few weeks, I will set up a small comfortable tank for him.

He looks perfect to me, sleeps on his side, sits on his pectoral fins. All normal Clown Loach behavior. The problem is when he needs to swim. He spins in very tight nose to caudal fin circles with no control on direction. I have never seen him swim straight. I may post a video later, but for now, I just want to let him rest quietly.

When he spins, his eye spines come out.

He does not look thin to me. And he does have whiskers even though you can't see them in the pictures. Does he look normal to you? Does he has discrepancies, I do not see?

Any idea what this is and what I can do to help him? Could I treat him with Levamisole as a proactive treatment? (I know it won't cure him, but if he has parasites, it should make him feel better.)

Thanks for any advice. I appreciate it. Tanja.

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Post by chefkeith » Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:09 pm

I'm not sure if Levamisole would help. He doesn't look thin at all. It probably wouldn't hurt though as long as the water stays consistent. Best thing is probably lots of rest.

I once got a new clown that swam in circles constantly. It was caused from severe osmotic shock. Poor guy died after about a week.

Another time I had a clown that swam in circles because of a near fatal wound caused by a powerhead. After about 2 months of treatment the clown fully recovered and started swimming normally again.

Good luck. Keep us updated on how he's doing.

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Marcos Mataratzis
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Post by Marcos Mataratzis » Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:16 pm

Hi Tanja,

Your Clown loach looks great to me.

Take a look at this video:


That´s one of my 4" YoYo that got it´s spine bent laterally. I don´t have a clue what did that but unfortunatelly, he passad away. Image
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Post by rich » Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:04 pm

It can be that the inner ear is damaged on one side so that the sense of balance is , well yeah, off balance. In that case it needs more orientation points in the basin, especially sand for the ground. If it is something like this, it will gain controll over the next few weeks, but will allways show the same behavior, when stressed or exited.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:44 pm

The Q-tank is clean. I changed 50% of the water today. Cycled filter.

I took his picture in the clear tank before I put him in a ten gallon quarantine tank. I have PVC pipe, a piece of wood, a huge clump of Java Moss and some hornwort, no lights, heater at 80 degrees, a bit of gravel, . . . I also have two Green Tigers (2" and much smaller than the clown -- one in good health, one skinny) and a black molly that has been having problems.

My clown does look like Marco's video, although his circles are much tighter. I wish my loach tank wasn't so active. I am sure he would feel better if I put him with other clowns (after I am sure he isn't infectious). I have one that is about 1.5 inches and in a tank with Cories (I was waiting for him to grow a little before he goes into the main Loach tank), and the rest are all over 4 inches. I may put the 1.5 incher with him, because it is a very active, sprightly loach.

If it is an osmosis problem, maybe he can come out of it. I know he came from a bad environment.

I wanted to put in Levamisole to treat the skinny Tiger. The tigers are not bothering the clown. They are much smaller. I figured the Levamisole wouldn't hurt the clown, but would hopefully treat the skinny Tiger.

In the Q-tank -- sorry about the water spots. The Q-tank is so basic.

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Post by Emma Turner » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:51 pm

I think it is a neurological problem, but I have also heard of a 'spinning disease' or 'whirling disease' caused by Myxospora. Some sites claim it to be a problem for cold water fish only, but I have seen plenty of stories on the web from people who are adament their particular tropical fish species has it. Here is one link, I am sure there are plenty more if you do a google search for myxospora or myxosporidia: http://article.dphnet.com/cat-02/whirling1.shtml

He is a beautiful fish though, and I am so glad you bought him home with you.

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Post by starsplitter7 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:28 pm

What a terrifying disease. I hope he doesn't have that.

I will keep him fed and comfortable. :) He was asleep in the cave with one of the tigers when I went in to feed him this evening.

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