Kuhli loach question

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Kuhli loach question

Post by cms9 » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:09 pm

Hi, I am new to this forum and am really hoping someone can help alleviate my anxiety about my kuhli loaches and tell me I am just paranoid.

I have had about 15 kuhli loaches for about a year with no problems or illnesses. Today, I noticed that many of my loaches were out of hiding, some up by the heater, some just on the floor of the tank. They don't seem agitated or ill but it's not normal for my fish to just be out in the open like this, especially during the day.

The only change I have made recently is adding real plants and getting rid of the fakes, but that was about a month ago and I would think that would be beneficial to them.

I tried looking through the archives and reading all of the health information and didn't find anything regarding this.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would be eternally grateful. I am so scared that something is wrong with my little friends. :(

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Post by andyroo » Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:51 pm

What's the weather been like?
I find thunderstorms do odd things to fish habits.
Are they eating? What is the food?
What kind of plants? The plants may have been in a shock (normal) and have just now started to grow, which will have an (positive) effect on water-parameters/quality. growing plants will also inject oxygen into the substrate, which might also change water quality and infauna, particularly in an older set-up and if you are feeding live-foods.
Otherwise it seems they're happy.
Do a good water-change and see what happens, just in case.
Put up some photos (fish and tank) and keep us posted.
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Post by NancyD » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:52 pm

Sounds like normal behavior to me. Some of my kuhlis like to lay around under plants especially next to the glass. Others stay under wood most of the time. When I had dense floating plants a couple liked to rest in them. I think yours may just like their new plants.

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Thank you!

Post by cms9 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:50 pm

Thank you both for responding to my question, I feel a lot better now.

It's odd that you ask what the weather was like- it had been storming that day.

I feed the widest range of foods I can find. They get both dried and frozen blood worms, soft krill, pellets for both herbivores and bottom feeders, some flake food, and some other frozen blend for tropical fish.

I am embarrassed to say I do not know what kind of plants they are- I asked for the 2 easiest to start with.

I took your advice and did a water change. They seem to be back to normal now. They are hiding again. It's ironic- I want nothing more than to watch them because I find them both fascinating and cute beyond measure, but when they were out, I just wanted them to go back into hiding...

Thanks again- your responses really helped relieve my anxiety.

Warm regards,

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Post by starsplitter7 » Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:12 pm

Did you do a check on the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, just to make sure?

I have lost Kuhlies when they come out, but then they all come out when I am feeding them. THey are great.

Are they still doing well?

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Post by Pywakyt » Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:03 am

I know this is belated however in regards to the weather thing. I love dojo/weather loaches. They got the name weather loaches because they get all crazy like when its stormy. Captains would have these fish on there ships at times to help tell them of coming storms. Anyway my point being khulies and dojo/weathers are very similar so I wouldn't be surprised if they have that in there character as well.
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