
This forum is for all health-related questions on Loaches and other freshwater fish.

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Post by emi-chan » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:07 am

i know that goldfish eat whatever can fit into their mouths but if i was to get some young white cloud minnows would the goldfish eat them??

its just that my brother got white clouds for his tank (which has about 8 goldfish in) and as soon as he released them into the water, the biggest goldfish came over and ate one even though the pet shop assistant said they wouldnt be at any risk.
although it spat it back out again it was too damaged to survive.

i have weather loaches too but my brothers loach didnt seem to care about the white clouds.

i dont want to buy fish if theyre gonna be eaten or picked on!! help please?

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Post by Diana » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:04 pm

Golds will eat small fish.

General rule #1: Stores do not know the word, "No".
All they know is: "Yes" (Anything you ask will work if it will make a sale.)

General rule #2:
a) Almost any fish will eat another fish if the smaller fish is 1/4 the size of the larger. This specifically includes Goldfish eating WCM.
b) Many fish are willing to try eating a fish that is 1/3 of its own size. A 3" Goldfish has a large enough mouth to eat a 1" WCM. Some will try, some won't.
c) True predators are often capable of handling prey that is almost as big as they are.

Moral: Do not put fish of different sizes in a tank if the difference in size is too great. Match similar sized fish, within 25% of each others' size for safety.
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Post by emi-chan » Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:43 am

i wonder if they'd be okay if they were bigger certainly given me alot to think about! thanks!

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Post by emi-chan » Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:43 am

does anyone know what kind of small fish would fit my tank? one that would have a better chance against my 2 golds?
heres my tank by the way

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Post by Diana » Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:10 pm

Goldfish themselves create such a large load of waste that they need plenty of water to dilute it between water changes, and grow so fast that almost every water change needs to be a bit bigger! If you are comfortable with the water change schedule (volume and frequency) and feel you could handle more, then here are a few ideas:

Smaller fish, to be removed when the golds have grown to the point that the smaller fish are half the size of the golds:
(Minimum temperature and adult sizes of these fish are from Baensch Atlas series) [My comments in square brackets].
These fish are generally OK with water parameters Goldfish thrive in: Slightly alkaline and moderate hardness. pH in the 7s, GH and KH between 5-10 German degrees of hardness.

Puntius conchonius (18*C min, 15 cm) [Don't believe it! I have never seen these guys over 5cm ]
Puntius lineatus: (21*C min, 12cm)[mine are about 8cm]
Brachydanio rerio (18*C, 6 cm) [also, not a tall fish, very easy to fit in the mouth]
Larger Danios and relatives are becoming more available. Research any species you see for temperature compatibility and adult size.
Garra spp. There are many with a minimum temperature in the teens and low 20s, and the sizes are all over the place up to about 20 cm. What is available in your area?
Many Catfish can handle 20*C, but again, I have no idea what is available in your are.
Corydoras paleatus (20*C, <7 cm) [Most cats are armed and dangerous for other fish to swallow. Even though Cories are tall, and this might discourage swallowing, once the Goldfish attempts it both fish often die]
Macropodus opercularis (16*C, 10cm) [upper level fish, but can get rather aggressive.]
There are more Rainbows becoming available, and most are somewhat hard water fish. A few can handle the same cool water that Golds prefer. They do not grow big enough to be kept with Golds long term, though. Check out what is available to you. They are slow growing, and Golds are very fast growing, so this is not really a good set up. I would not do it.
Most Cichlids are warmer water fish, or too aggressive.

Do not get a Common Pleco. They are known to eat the slime coat off flat sided fish such as Angels and Discus, and I have seen a post from someone who had some Goldfish attacked this way.

Why don't you go to the local stores and find out what is available, write down the names of the fish that interest you, then post that list here.
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Post by emi-chan » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:12 pm

i'll do that! thanks diana

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Post by emi-chan » Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:55 pm

Ok so i went to the petshop today and recorded the names of all the cold water fish that i thought looked good. There were: chocolate, silver and black and red ornada. White cloud mountain minnows. Yellow goldfish. Shubunkin. Ryukin. And a tank with 'danios and rasboras'.
Thats all they had. Any thoughts?

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Post by Diana » Sat Oct 31, 2009 8:47 pm

Goldfish are the ultimate tank mate for goldfish.
However, I would not mix any of the fatter bodied fish with the torpedo shaped fish. The slower swimming Fancies are not going to compete well with the faster swimming Comets, and similar fish.
Shubunkins are a good choice.

WCM discussed above. Pass the BBQ sauce,please.

Danios, Rasboras and most related fish are not much bigger than WCM. If you know you are getting one of the giants Danios, you can try a small school.

Other idea: Platies are also a cold water fish. (18*C) They thrive in the somewhat harder, alkaline water that Golds like. They will ultimately be too small, though. They vary in size a bit, I think some color strains are a bit smaller than others. Female Platies of most colors seem to reach about 2" or a bit less. Males about 1.5" (Females around 5 to barely 6 cm, males 3-4 cm.)
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Post by MTS » Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:06 pm

There is a common problem amongst fish keepers. There are so may fish to choose from that are interesting that soon you find you have multiple tanks to be able to keep them. I started with a small tropical tank and within two years, I had 13 tanks.

I suggest, you keep goldfish with goldfish and buy a second tank.

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Post by emi-chan » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:32 pm

do you think that the tank would be ok with 2 golds, 2 weather loaches and 1 shubunkin?
do shubunkin get along with weather loaches? or is the tank fine the way it is??
it's my family who are pressuring me to put another fish in there. i dont want to do anything that will make my other fish unhappy!!
ah!! my brain hurts!! :shock:

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Post by emi-chan » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:23 pm

i took some pictures (of horrific quality, blame my phone) of the coldwater fish at the petshop. i cant remember which ones are which though...

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Post by Diana » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:45 pm

2nd picture is WCM. All the others are varieties of Goldfish.
Shubunkin is a type of goldfish with nice colors, including a sort of blue undertone that is rather different. (I happen to like them, anyway) and a body shape that is still pretty close to the wild shape. They will compete well with the comets and similar shaped Goldfish.

Goldfish will need a larger tank the more you have. Something close to 75 gallon for 3 golds and some Weather Loaches.

Goldfish grow FAST when properly cared for.
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Post by emi-chan » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:43 am

yeh, i remember when my two golds were small and cute before they grew into big destructive monsters!! hahaha still love them though.
i shall ake your advice onboard! thanks very much!

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Post by Jonnes45 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:30 am

Total number of fishermen and fish farmers is estimated to be 38 million. Fisheries and aquaculture provide direct and indirect employment to over 500 million people. In 2005, the worldwide per capita consumption of fish captured from wild fisheries was 14.4 kilograms, with an additional 7.4 kilograms harvested from fish farms.

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