Clown Loach with fungus?

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Clown Loach with fungus?

Post by paconubbins » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:15 pm

I added 3 clown loaches to my 45 gallon tank about 6 weeks ago. They acted like total nuts for about a week and then went into hiding and came out with ich. It wasn't bad and I was able to treat with ParaGuard; everyone survived. All was good for a week or two but now I notice they have rapid gill movement and maybe a fungus? I can see at least one "pimple" on the side of one and one of them seems to be getting darker...but not dramatic. I'm concerned about the gill movement and what looks like scaring or fungus. It's nothing dramatic but something doesn't seem right. Pics of varied quality below (including "Peaches" - guess she (?) was upset the loaches were getting all the attention). ... =snapfish/

water temp 27 C
nitrate 40 (before the water change I just did)
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
pH 6.6 LFS thought that could be an issue so I'm adjusting up though I doubt it's the solution

Tank also has an angle fish, 5 raspbora and a brushy nose pleco...none of them had ich and they're all currently fine.

Any thoughts on what I'm dealing with and what I need to do?


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Re: Clown Loach with fungus?

Post by paconubbins » Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:38 am

I'm going to answer my own questions in case someone finds this post later....

I printed pics and took them to the LFS where it was suggested I feed Metronidizole and Focus soaked blood worms. The loaches really like the blood worms (much more than the shrimp I had been trying) but after about a week they didn't look any better. I printed more pics and went to another LFS. This time it was suggested I use Kanoplex and Focus soaked blood worms because the guy felt the problem looked more bacterial; perhaps secondary infection after the ich. He said things should clear up in 3 or 4 days. He was mostly right! It took about a week but everyone looks happy and healthy!

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Re: Clown Loach with fungus?

Post by Caudelia » Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:58 am

hi there, may I ask why you are getting ich so often in your tank? I have 12 clown loaches in a 300l tank with 2 x 300w heaters both sitting at 28. maybe this will help in future , what worked for me is that I up the temp 1 or 2 degrees depending on how bad the ich is and I cover the tank so its totally dark. if the ich is just starting by the next morning my clowns are fine. if it has progressed I keep the temp at 30, keep it covered and dose paraguard everyday after syphoning. fish will get better in no time .

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Re: Clown Loach with fungus?

Post by Diana » Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:57 pm

Quarantine tank, every time.
Treat bottom dwelling fish for internal parasites.
Once that treatment is complete, and any other needed treatments start the clock for 1 month.
If they stay healthy for a month it is highly likely safe to add them to your main tank.
If they get sick, treat and re-start the clock.
38 tanks, 2 ponds over 4000 liters of water to keep clean and fresh.

Happy fish keeping!

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